Friday, July 10, 2009

"mona lisa (when the world comes down)" the all-american rejects


boycott ain't doing too hot. which means... i'm sucking at the "perfect kisses" rewrite. i've done nothing! well i did liek one or two chapters and haven't posted them.


why? because I found a whole fucking record of songs that are in bennett's pov. A WHOLE FUCKING ALBUM!! ALL IN BENNETT WILLIAMS' POV!!!! I'VE HIT GOLD MAN!!! PURE GOLD!!!

and i'm readign a book that reminds me so much of bennett and elisa as characters- but not beign a rip-off the girl kills herself and they don't even talk at all so it's a joke and i hate it. but i love it.

google "an excellent attempt at youism zip mediafire" and download it in its entirety. soooogood. sooo bennett it's ridic!


Saturday, July 4, 2009


boycotting blog until "perfect kisses" is complete.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

lisa's birthday tape - saves the day

setting: kerrington high hallway
bennett's pov (though will not be in rewite)

i walked down the halls. i could hear jonah's voice in my head. i was just lying there in his basement. "dude, you know what you should do? make her a tape."

at first it had sounded crazy. i don't own any tapes. i doubted she would havea way to hear it. i doubted she would want one. but sean had looked at jonah. "dude, that's so random."

jonah shook his head. "saves the day has a tape floating around there for some girl. you should just make her one." he said. "if i were a girl i'd think that'd be really cool. i'd date you in a second."

"you're not a girl," sean said. "that's creepy."

"a tape?" i said. "i don't even know if i like her."

sean rolled his eyes. "you're obsessed with her." he said. "this is worse than when you started likign rainie. all you do is look at her and for her."

"that jsut means he likes staring at her," jonah had said.

but here i did end up making her a tape. and it had been sitting in my locker all week. it just had her name on it. i was scared someone was going ot se it so i shoved it further back until suddenly i heard her name over the loudspeaker. it was her birthday today. so here i was. i had been wlaking down the junior halls more often. paying attention. and seeing her there at locker 547. so it was hers.

but here was my dilemna. the tape wouldn't fit. i tried but it wasn't going in. and the bell would rign any second. i pause looking at the silver latch that opened. it was worth a try. i lifted it up and it opened. i sigehd a little looking down the halls. i opend it quickly and stuck it on the top shelf thing of her locker. i felt so werid and creepy. but i shut it trying ot to slam it like i was used to but.

i felt out of breathe walking away in the other direction to my last class. i felt so creepy and i regretted it. but it kept walking. speed walking away. knowign very well she'd mention it next time we talked. shit. what was i going to say? 'i don't know, i heard it was your birthday so i decided to make you a tape. i consider you a good friend and i'm hopelessly falling for you. you're the girl of my dreams and the musical soul mate i never thought existed. i remember every word you say and every song you said you loved so i just recorded the ones i knew and opened your locker and stuck them in- but i'm not creepy. don't worry.'

i wanted to die. holy shit, i jsut ruined any chance i had to just be friends with her.

elisa's pov

cass opened her locker and got her stuff i opened mine. "had a good birthday so far?" she asked smiling at me.

i shrugged. "yeah," i said.

"did nathan get you anything?" she asked.

i shook my head and i got my bag out and slung it over one shouldr. "no," i said. "i told him not to."

"why?" she asked. "it's your birthday, you have to let someone do something special for you."

i shruged. "my mom is taking me out to dinner tonight." i said. "no ifs, ands or buts she said." i couldn't be any more unexcited. i checked back for anything i may have forgotten. my shakespeare book was forgotten. i knelt down.

"i have to go, miles needs a ride home." she said sighing. "happy birthday though. i hope you had a good one."

i smiled. "thanks," i said. i unzipped my bag and stuck the shakespeare book in. i stood up gettign ready to shut my locker when my eyes froze on soemthign that wasn't there before. it was a tape. i reched up and picked it up. it just said my name in a messy handwriting, but it wasn't too messy. it wasn't the neatest but it was pretty neat for messy handwriting. i flipped it over and it didn't even say anything on the back.

at first i thought it had been nathan but i knew his handwriting from notes and everything. his was a mess. i shut my locker and walked out ready to listen to whatever this was. my car had a little cassette player so as soon as i got in i put it in. and hit play. i waited shortly there was static. then guitar. plucking. it was saves the day. this older song i loved. "take our cars now" and i listened waiting for the familiar voice i always knew.

but the vocie wasn't the saves the day guy. it was someone else. it wasn't nathan. it was someone else i had never heard singing before. i listened and suddenly i smield a little. if you added up all the moon-bounce birtgday parties and winter coats and barbie dolls and money and gift certificates i've gotten for my birthday, this was by far the best anyone could have given me. but i didn't know who it was. it was just a random tape made for me. maybe it was for someone else but then suddenly i just listened. maybe cass did this for me with that kid jeremy that was friends with miles. i heard he sang. so i figured i could just keep it to myself and not have to bring it up around cass.

it was so great of her to do this. i was in love with this tape before the second song was done.

"take our cars now" saves the day


rewrite progress: almsot done with chapter four for "last place"

Where's PERFECT KISSES!?! Stop writing something for LAST PLACES!! WE HATE BENNETT!!!! Write Rainie and Paul BACK IN LOVE!!! NOW!!!
that's not really a question... but: I'M SORRY! i'm hopelessly and irrevocably in love with chris conley at the moment. he tugs my emotions and break my heart due to the fact he's married, but i'll jsut accept beign married ot his music. especially the song "take our cars now" anh what not. but in case you were unaware i was writing the original "last place" shifting into my obsession with music such as saves the day and here i am being swallowed by it. so HAH. i'm just trying to make you in the future hate a certain someone else not a certain someone cited above.

Why aren't you just going to finish writing PERFECT KISSES so you can make me fall in love with LAST PLACE instead of teasing me with it every moment of every day now?
because i just log onto my computer and plug in my ipod and decide what i feel like writing. hey, it's better than me writing for stories that will probably never surface onto fanfiction. or it's better than me spending all my time singing in my room not even writing. or reading my eyes out. or sleeping and eating this really good fatty-fat bread my sister brigns home from her new job. i'm going to go sneak a slice now. peace.


"take our cars now" saves the day


i'm toying with the idea of throwing in more and more saves the day references into the "last place" rewrite. i was at the gym today and after running for 20 minutes trying to lose all of my baby fat i was walkin' and listening to a piece of art; "lisa's birthday tape."

here's the story:
lisa was a girl who loved saves the day. she wanted the mto play her party so chris conley- the lead singer- was going to go to an acosutic set at her party BUT it was at the end of a tour and he couldn't make it so he recorded her a tape for her birthday of five songs he wrote all in one night for her. making saves the day greatness. the "in reverie" before "in reverie"

but here's my idea. i'll post notes of it maybe- maybe not. i was listening to it and thinking- huh. lisa. e-lisa. lisa's birthday tape. elisa's birthday tape. elisa's birthday's in november... so here's my amazing idea! should i put in an "elisa's birthday tape" made by a mystery person in "last place" and have her figure out it's a certain someone on a certain night?

which sadly means the talent show idea is out- which is sort of unrealistic and cheesy altogether.

so what do you think?
