Friday, July 23, 2010


I just gained and lost something.

I have been wearing a bracelet for about a year now. Just a simple silver chain. It's quite a natural realtionship- it's become a part of me, you know- I always wore it and it always wore me. But just now, I realized it was gone. Without a trace. That's what happens when you take things for granted I guess.

I just turned on my headphones to hear a new record. I sat there and listened, smiling to myself because everything is falling together. It fit right along with my writing project right now. I'm so excited. About everything. I'm going to stop talking and start working.

I'm going to knock your socks off, or so I hope.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Here's the game plan.

"Perfect Kisses"/"Last Place"
Officially abandoned. I wish I didn't delete "Perfect Kisses" but it'll unfortunately remain half-finished. It's a good story, I just don't have the motivation for it. I'm not the same person who started writing it like two years ago.

"All We Ever Needed"
Will be continued. I think it has a lot of potential and I have a fresh start with it. I've been writing notes for it. I think it's one of my unsung heroes. It has the highest Reviews-per-chapter ratio, I think. I haven't worked the numbers in a while, but I want to see where it goes.

"Miracle of 86"
This is where I'm making my big renovation. If you do not know it, my main writing project is a story about Lace and Nick. It's set a little while after the span of "Miracle" but it's what I've been trying to write in my absence. What my plan is: I'd like to play around with multiple POVs. Not to the extreme, but I'm going to pull a "Nick & Norah" and do the alternating boy then girl POV. I'd love to explore Lace's POV. In this little "Miracle" + Lace-Nick-Story world, I write in Nick's POV about 80% of the time. Hopefully you guys will dig it. I'm also changing the name and reworking the plot so it works better and is more realistic.

The future
My writing outside of my FanFiction world is a lot darker. Too dark for this penname. And a lot more personal. But for after "AWEN" and "Miracle" I'm cooking up a whole new story and plot and characters. I have some character dynamics and relationships I'd like to play with and more POVs to explore. Then some ideas I never used. So far I have one character that seems extremely clear and is nearly ready for some notes. I'll character sketch him sometime soon.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Role Call:

1) Favorite writing piece of mine at this very moment?
2) Do you prefer a POV that switches around, or one that is consistent?
3) Long "chapters" or short "chapters"?
4) Have you been reading lately? What have you been reading?
5) Favorite drama TV show- if you watch them.