Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Either Or"

I have told you about this story on here, I think. It came to me a few months ago- probably over the summer- and it's just flourished in my mind as something actually solid. I'm titling it "Either Or" for now, but I think it'll stick. It fits the idea of the story pretty well, in a lot of ways actually. And I'm really excited about it, so read on for my gushing:

My writing process is non-existent I guess. But I recently started trying to flesh out ideas for stories that were more original. At least, more original in terms of the few story plots in the Sarah Dessen catagories. Reading some of these stories- especially mine- they're all about one relationship -it's growth is the back-bone of the story: rising events, climax, and denuemet (sp?) and all. But I started writing "Lazarus" and this, and I realized that my first stories worked stories worked (while "All We Ever Needed" failed), and wanted to go to the next level.

"Lazarus" isn't so far from "Perfect Kisses" or "Last Place" but it's at least out of Kerrington, and I hope more real and better written. With "Either Or" I want to completely depart from that writing style for a little while and try it out.

It's told from a boy's POV, who is unlike Will and more likeable and funny- I think. But I'm going to make it more about him. Not about his sex life. (Laugh please, I'm not being harsh and bitter.) Plus, I'm adding more themes and symbols and totally sprucing up my writing even more. I hope I keep it going. I can totally see the main character and hear him, so it'll be good. At least I'd read it if I stumbled upon it on FanFiction.

Anyways, get ready. I'm starting writing now, and then posting it when I finish "Lazarus", which will hopefully be by the middle of spring, but probably by summer.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Update for the past half month:


I have been reading a lot lately, and watching a lot of inspiring films. It's funny, because I've grown a lot as a reader over the past year. And then I talk to kids my age and they don't know the difference between John Green and David Levithan. I don't read any of them anymore, and I know all of that stuff. It's kind of sad at the same time, all kids want to read is this weird new wave of vampire literature. Don't get me wrong, I see why that might be attractive. But there is so much good teen literature out there. Read it. Devour it, kids. Then pick up "Catcher in the Rye" and join me in the world of American literature.

Anyways: my writing.

New story idea and coming right out of the darkness. It started as just a faint idea, and now is really taking shape. It's from the point-of-view of a boy named Matt, and it's pretty good. Kind of "All We Ever Needed"-esque, but I'll stick it into a new catagory.

I am really happy actually, because I'm departing from that whole emo-love-story thing. And I'm name-dropping a lot less music in my writing, which always helps. I am happy people are reading my stuff too. I have a new wave of readers, and they're all pretty quiet, but I'm given more free range.

I can't get into Peter's point-of-view, either. Freaky.
