Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"take our cars now" saves the day


rewrite progress: almsot done with chapter four for "last place"

Where's PERFECT KISSES!?! Stop writing something for LAST PLACES!! WE HATE BENNETT!!!! Write Rainie and Paul BACK IN LOVE!!! NOW!!!
that's not really a question... but: I'M SORRY! i'm hopelessly and irrevocably in love with chris conley at the moment. he tugs my emotions and break my heart due to the fact he's married, but i'll jsut accept beign married ot his music. especially the song "take our cars now" anh what not. but in case you were unaware i was writing the original "last place" shifting into my obsession with music such as saves the day and here i am being swallowed by it. so HAH. i'm just trying to make you in the future hate a certain someone else not a certain someone cited above.

Why aren't you just going to finish writing PERFECT KISSES so you can make me fall in love with LAST PLACE instead of teasing me with it every moment of every day now?
because i just log onto my computer and plug in my ipod and decide what i feel like writing. hey, it's better than me writing for stories that will probably never surface onto fanfiction. or it's better than me spending all my time singing in my room not even writing. or reading my eyes out. or sleeping and eating this really good fatty-fat bread my sister brigns home from her new job. i'm going to go sneak a slice now. peace.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

you can take your time. im actually more excited about last place. cause idk. i just like elisa&bennett more now. or well not now, but before i used to think of rainie&paul beating them. but now its just woo. i love them after finishing read the whole fanfic.

you know how you read a book right. after you finish it, you just set it aside. well, when i set a book aside. its there forever. i hate rereading books. it just bores me. but jaseyray, your novels or books or stories or whatever they're called. i can reread them again and again. and i'll never get bored. and my favorite one to reread is last place. its just like, i dunno. i love reading it.

okay the next q&a like threw me off haha. well, like i said take your time. i love perfect kisses too! and i think this rewrite is gonna be way better. so many cliffhangers and drama. O:

since im gonna be gone all this month. im gonna be super excited to get home and read everything you updated. if you do update that is. i love reading your stuff. they're like a drug.