Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Incarnation: Kayla's POV --- Meeting original Peter

So since I have been a busy bee writing and not posting and deleting and rewriting, here's a little thing I found.

(NB: MY first incarnation of the story featured the same characters with the exceptions of Kayla and Peter and Alyssa. I drastically changed everything after being inspired by an indie movie, and re-modeled the three above characters. Peter being the most drastic, so here is the original Peter as described by Kayla the first time she [literally] met him. That is only because he was some kid from another town.)

kayla's pov

I waited for the next boy to come up to the window, still blushing from the first's comment about my sister. Even people from the next town knew everything about her. I looked up at the boy, he was porky- not grossly chubby, but he was a little. He had short brown hair and blue eyes, and he didn't smile at me right away. In fact he looked at my shyly. "Can I help you?" I was obligated to ask.

"Oh, yeah," He said softly. "I'll have a cup of rocky road."

I nodded, getting a cup out and walking down a few freezers to scoop. There wasn't anyone else in line, just him. Harper had this one family a few windows down. "Are you guys busy today?" I lifted my head to see him looking at me through the row of windows, he hadn't moved but instead called out to me.

"Kind of," I said packing in his ice cream. "Nobody usually comes that much on Tuesdays. But it was kind of hot... I guess." I got him more, one more scoop which we usually promised but never actually gave out.

Then I walked down to my little register. He wasn't disgusting. He was kind of cute I guess. I guess I just noticed how chunky he was because he wore a fitted t-shirt instead of a baggy one like most chubby kids wore. I got him a spoon and he took out his wallet.

"It'll be two-seventy-five." I said, not thinking or looking at him.

He fished out a five. "I usually have exact change," He said. "Sorry."

I shrugged, glancing at the money. "It's fine," I smiled a little. I felt him looking at me. I got him change, avoiding eye contact, because most boys who stare at you are creeps. I handed him his money back, and he smiled at me.


"Come on, dude," One of his friends said impatiently. "You're taking forever."

He looked back at me. "Thank you," He said. "I'm sorry about my friends, especially Calvin. He can be a real douche-bag sometimes, don't take it personally."

I nodded, smiling weakly out of embarrassment. "I'll try not to,"

He took a bite of ice cream, reacting to it with shock and wonder. "Geez," He said. "Your recipe has improved sicne I last came here..." He looked at the cup intently. "I might have to come back soon."

I smiled a little tucking hair behind my ear. He smiled at me, in a way that made me realize how much of an actor he was. "I'll see you later then," I said laughing a little.

He started to walk backwards. "I think you might," He said. Then he turned and headed back to his friends. I really didn't know what to think. Guys never liked me, or flirted with me. Was he flirting? I had no idea. It had never happened before. I watched him walk away before I turned back catching a smile from Harper.

"He was cute," She said laughing to herself. He was kind of goofy, but I didn't really know if I despised him or found him to actually be kind of cute.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Haha Peter sounds like a teddy bear here. I wanna hug him.