Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lace and Emily.


I am having so much fun writing "Miracle" :) Hearing what people think is my favorite part. I have three consistent reviewers which is awesome! And Lace is my favorite character of all time. I love him so much.

I'm worried though that Emily is getting the whole "Bella Swan" thing to her where it seems like she's obsessed with Lace and can't function without him because I don't think that's healthy and realistic. But I might post something here or there from the story this is based off of.

I think I've explained it before but I am writing a story about Nick and Lace's last weekend out before they go to college. Then I started bringing Em in and I had to keep thinking about it. I just can't post a ton without ruining the ending. The ending is going to be huge and explosive.

But I'm really digging this. Let's hope I keep it up.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

I likey Miracle. I'm glad you enjoy writing it. I enjoy reading it. I'm getting the rush of emotions I always get when I read your stories. Its insane... I feel lame. But its all good. That means you're a good writer. ;D

And confusing. He confuses me. He'll do something that I like one chapter and then something TOTALLY different in another. My reviews go in like a pattern. I'm all sad and then I'm happy and then I'm sad... and then I'm happy. Something of that sort.

And haha, I don't think she's at all Bella Swan. At least Em can at least hang around with her friends without spazzing. Hmhm. :)

The ending better be a happy ending. A happy explosive diarrhea. Because you know... diarrhea is like explosive and like... big. Wee.