Sunday, February 7, 2010

update: I really want glasses- but that's irrelevant


So, I bought a copy of Oasis' record "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?" and even though it came without a case I'm listening to it for the first time. It's one of my favorite all time records but it's so hard to actually pick my favorite records but I know it's up there.

Posted a new update after saving $100 by getting rid of my fourth computer virus in a month. So stoked. I'm a wizard. I'm writing the next chapter (Friday Night) no idea what to do with them because I have a really good idea I'm looking forward to writing for them. But I'm going to have to introduce a huge part of their relationship.

I'm going to just come out and say it: if you haven't noticed: I'm recycling "Last Place"and "Perfect Kisses." It's something I do a lot with new stories. I hope you don't get upset or bored but it's what happens with me. Here are some things I noticed while re-reading/writing:
-Lace's favorite band is (in "Miracle")/was (in the Nick/Lace story)
-Nick is a lot like Jonah
-Lace has a huge house (like Mr. Spinella)
-Emily looked a lot like Rainie (until yesterday when I saw a girl and my image of Emily changed)

I won't put in any spoilers here but there is going to be a huge one coming up.

Best prepare yourself.

Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

"Nick is a lot like Jonah"


Can't for Friday Night! So excited. And congrats on the Oasis record and the cured computer.