Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nick's POV ------- Lace's House

I opened the front door and walked in. I didn't expect Lace to be around. I mean, I had nothing to do and I figured he just would. He always was. But I walked in and looked around calling for someone.


It was Salvatore- obviously. He was always around. I walked into his study and he was sitting at his desk writing. He always wrote all these letters to people. He has the coolest handwriting too. It's all skiny and cursive and slanted. It looks like it came out of a goddamn copying machine from the 1800s but it's just Salvatore's writing. And that's what makes it so badass.

"Hey," I said. "Lace around?"

Salvatore has there huge-ass glasses too. They make his eyes all googley. On his side of the family nobody can see for shit- I'm only assuming this though. Lace can barely read without his glasses. I walk in and sit down at one of the leather seats across from his desk. It's set up like a principle's office because Salvatore used to be the principle at Woodborrow. Now he's just a su because he misses teaching.

He paused- his eyebrows furrowed and slipped under the magnifying glass he had just around his eyes. I sweat thoe goddamn glasses make everything underneath them look catastrophic and gigantic. You have to see them. They're ridiculous. They're like those drunk simulation glasses they make you wear at anti-drinking fundraisers. But they are actually doing good for old Salvatore.

"No," He said. "He left an hour or so ago. I assumed he was going to see you."

I sank back shaking my head. "Nope." I said. "He went to hang out with Emily again I think."

"That's the third time this week," Salvatore said raising his eyebrows. It's only Wednesday so don't think Salvatore's crazy or any of that shit.

"I know," I said sighing. "I think he really likes her though." I scratched at the arm of the chair. "He didn't even mention going to pick her up?" I looked up at him. Maybe Lace was coming to pick em up- I mean he's always late and I'm always bored. He was probably at my house right now talking to David or something while he digs up bulbs in the garden.

Salvatore shakes his head. "You know how he is..." He waves his hands and rolls his eyes. I nod and sit back again. Well there goes my afternoon.

"How's school?" Salvatore asks.

I shrug. "Usual," I said. "Class ranks come out next week."

"I know," Salvatore said smiling a little. "What do you think you've gotten?"

I look down and shrug. "Don't know," I said. "I haven't even thought about colleges either." I looked up at a painting on the wall. "What do you think about Lace?"

Salvatore shrugs. "Between the two of us," Salvatore says. "I don't think he's been applying himself enough. He doesn't want to go to college I think. He never seems to interested in it. But I know you'll get into a better school- you're such a motivated young man. Conor just wants to keep living like this where he's happy and safe."

I shook my head. "He's so much smarter than me," I said.

"But you're the one studying," Salvatore says. "He's out waiting to fall in love with some girl. You can do anything right now Nick. I'm thinking you're going to be in the top five of the class."

I shook my head again. "I'm going for top ten percentile." I said. He nodded looking at me steadily. He wasn't changing his mind though. That's another thing about his side of the family. They're stubborn bastards. But I like that. I've picked up on it a little.

"Have you met Emily since that first week?" I asked looking at him.

He nods. "I spoke to her in school yesterday," He said. "She's a very nice young lady."

I nodded raising my eyebrows. "He really likes her," I said. "He doesn't shut up about her, but she's cool. I like hanging out with them together- they're not that bad. Plus he's basically suffocating me with all of his optimism and positivity lately because of her."

Salvatore smiles a little. "He's a romanticist," He said leaning onto the amr of his chair. I just nodded because I knew he was true. I looked down. "Now what about you? When are you going to be out chasing after some girl?"

I smiled a little. "Not for a while," I said shifting. "I'm waiting for the right one.

Salvatore looked at me for a second and nodded again. "Don't wait too long," He said. "You'll end up alone or in some strip club."

I laughed once and smiled. "Yeah," I said. "That'll be in a couple years at this rate."

Salvatore laced his fingers together and looked at me. "You're such an old soul sometimes, Nick," He said looking at me. I nodded because I knew what it meant I just was never called it. "You're going to do some great things."

"Thank you," I said. I got up. "I'll stop bugging you, Salvey, I'll head out now."

"Alright," He said. "I'll tell Conor you stopped by. Have any messages for him?"

"Nah," I said. "Just tell him I stopped by. Thanks again."

"Goodbye," Salvatore said picking up his nice old pen. "Have a good afternoon."

"You too," I walked out and headed for the front door. I shut it behind me and sat down on the front steps for a minute or two. I looked around. I could call anyone else but I just wanted to hang out with Lace for once. But I didn't hang out with anyone really. I went home and dug up bulbs with David and we watched Toy Story again and ordered Chinese food and went to pick it up. David gets a kick out of the Chinese restaurant- I'll tell you.

But when I got home the Lieutenant was in my driveway and the front door was unlocked. He was sitting on my couch watching TV. It's almost scary how in tune to one another we are sometimes, but that's what friends are like sometimes.

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