Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chapter 2 Modifications:

Kerrington: One school system. Rainie Joseph and Paul Spinella now officially go to the same high school as Elisa and Company. I did this so it was less confusing and more realistic although I kind of miss old Coolen. It was a good school system. Awesome football team.

Now here are some things I kept the same:

Miles - Come on... he was awesome in the first rewrite. I got him spot-on in that one.

Bennett Williams - still tall. Still brunette. Still in Elisa's English Class. Still intimidating.... BUT he's now a junior.

Cautions for now:
Brace yourself for a pivotal plot movement in the near fictional future.
Kiss my 'Catcher in the Rye' references or events involving the book goodbye.
Get ready for new characters and relationship changes.

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