Tuesday, March 30, 2010

City People and Trains

So I've formulated a few ideas.

#1: "How To Read Books" Vlog
I'm a fan of vlogs. I also love books and talking about books and my YouTube channel hosts a whole flow of Perks readers. So I think I would like to start a vlog talking about books and what-not and how to go about reading them and what to read if you love some book.

#2: New Story
Chris is living the bare minimum. He's living in the basement of an apartment complex and can't seem to deal with anything in his life anymore. He's in his twenties and he should be out having a fucking ball every night, but instead he's drinking, getting beaten in fights and blowing every chance he has with the one person he can stand for more then five minutes. Then he lands a job driving buses at night. It's pathetic. It pays next to shit but he doesn't have to deal with anyone telling him to get his shit together because anyone who boards a bus at one in the morning doesn't even have their own shit together.

#3: Sunday 8 pm EST Updates
To keep my writing posts consistent I'll post a new update every Sunday at 8 or around that time. I feel like I'll post something and then never again for a month. So to keep you guys busy and keep my writing coming and keeping myself together I'll start writing more instead of staring at my Twitter waiting to see whether or not John Nolan re-joined Taking Back Sunday.

Listen to: Cage the Elephant "Back Against The Wall"
Read: "Oedipus Rex" Sophocles
Go see: "Alice in Wonderland"


Between You And I said...

Wow that is awesome. You have one viewer already of your vlog. Especially if you talk about books. Maybe you can do a vlog about music too... You have good taste.
I love the idea of the Sunday updates. It gives everyone one good last thing before the start of the week.
Good luck with the new story. Sounds cool. Would you still be doing Miracle and Last Place updates though?

never-explore said...

I like all of these.
And I want of them to happen. :D

Oh and I've seen Alice in Wonderland. Creepy but interesting.

Ginger Snap said...

That new story sounds amazing! -heyfriday