Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nick's POV ---- Nick's house

My mom walked in with a few boxes of pizza. "Hey Suze," Lace said.

"Hi," She said smiling. "I thought you'd be here. I just ran into Salvy at the post office, he said you and Nick were somewhere." She put the boxes on the counter slipping her bag on top of them. "Are you stayign for dinner? We have plenty..."

"Oh, no thank you," He said.

"Suze, guess where Lacey Boy here is going tonight?" I said smiling. He crossing his arms and pretended to now be bothered or annoying by what I just said.

"Where?" She asked. "If you're just embarrassing him I don't want to hear it." She went over to the sink and washed her hands. It's kind of funny how she treats Lace more like her son than she treats me. I guess that was bound to happen.

"Thanks, Suze," He said. "It is just to embarrass me by the way but that won't stop him."

"He's taking a girl on a date," I said smiling. "Guess which girl?"

"Her name's Emily right?" Suze said.

"Yep," I said. "It's their first date and Sir Lancelot is nervous. He's shaking in his sneakers. You can't tell but he thinks she's going to dump him because he couldn't think of anything to do on this first date."

"I thought you were already dating," My mother said looking at Lace. "Isn't she your girlfriend?"

"No," Lace said. "I didn't want to rush things."

"Oh shut up," I said smirking. "You guys are practically engaged. All you guys do is mack it."

"No we don't," He said. "Stop." He is always so touchy about Old Emily like the Poet. It's pretty funny but he's knows I'm only kidding. I just smile and Suze sweeps in.

"Where are you taking her?" She asks.

He shrugs. "I couldn't think of anything," He said. "But just probably out to dinner or something."

"She eats!" I said sthrowing my arms up. "She's a keeper!"

Suze laughs. And Scottie Boy walks in. "Whose a keeper?" He asks. He walks over to Suze and kisses her cheek before moving onto the fridge to get a can of soda. Lace always says how my parents act like theyu're still in their twenties and I guess I can see it sometimes. Especially since my dad still drinks Diet Soda like he's underaged.

"Emily," I said. "Lace's Lady-friend."

"She was a nice girl," He said. "Polite too."

You can see Lace kind of blush. I figure this is enough bugging for tonight. "Do you want me to pick David up from his pottery class?" I ask. "He's at pottery tonight right?"

"Do you mind?" Suze says. "I swear, if Bradly's mother blind-sides me one more time I'm going to gauge her eyes out with a felting knife. I'm so sick of talking about her fundraisers and candy stripes." Scratch that... my parents act like twenty-year olds with a fifty-year-old's problems.

"It's fine," I said. "He wanted to show me his project anyways. He was telling me they're making hollow spheres and shit."

"Watch your mouth," Scott says and I nod.

"He was telling me about that too," Lace said. "When are you picking him up?"

"The class gets out at six," I say.

"I'm going out with Em at seven can I come too?" He asks.

I shrug. "Do you seriously want to?" I ask.

"Yeah," Lace says. "I'm not doing anything until I pick her up anyways. I might as well. I told him I'd come see his stuff too." He really means it too. Sometimes you really can't ask someone to do this, but that's what's different about Lace. He'll tell your brother he'll visit his pottery class and really go and visit his pottery class.

"But you don't want to be late for your date, do you?" Suze asks.

"I'll make it in time." Lace says. "Come on," He pushes off of the counter. I look at my parents who just accept it and move on. I follow him out to the Lieutenant and get in. I jokingly rub the cracking leather and lok around.

"What are you doing?" He asks laughing.

"Relishing the moment," I said. "Just think about it... when Emily becomes your girlfriend after tonight I'm stuck in the backseat for good."

He rolled his eyes and pulled out. "She's not going-"

"Shut up," I said. "You're in love with her. Just admit it, dude."

"Piss off," He sighs and he starts driving. I smile and we head off to the next town to see the elf heads David made for us out of clay.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww, I love reading about Lace's insecureness. Its so cute. :)
And I like Nick's parents. They're cool.