Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rainie's POV -------- setting: hallway

I looked over and saw him. I slipped my bag over one shoulder and exhaled. I shut my locker and started over to him. He was cramming books into his bag- one after the other. "Hey," I said walking up to him.

He looked over at me and smiled a little. "Hey," He said back lifting his hand in a wave. he sank dwon to his knees and worked on fitting them all inside.

"So," I said walking up and crossing my arms a little. "What's new?"

"Nothing," He said. "What about you?"

I shrugged. "The same old stuff," I said. I looked at him and he finally got up looking back into his locker for a few more seconds.

"Did Paul's band get that gig in the basement of the Church downtown?" He looked over. This was so strange. Everything was completely forgotten. We were friends. And that was it.

I nodded smiling. "Yeah," I said. "They did. It's a pretty big deal I guess."

"Yeah," He said smiling. "I heard they booted that shitty band Three Cheers."

I smiled. "They were so bad," I said.

"But Paul's bands really good," He said. "I got a demo from him at work."

That was weirder. They were friends. I didn't get it but I didn't want to get into it. It was better than just the three of us walking around the achool avoiding one or the other. I smiled tucking hair behind my ear. "They're getting so much better," I said.

He nodded and shut his locker throwing his bag onto his back. Then he looked at me. "So," He said. "I kept talking to that girl I told you about." His voice lowered a little. "Thanks, you know, for the advice."

I smiled. "Any time," I said. "So are you sweeping her off of her feet?"

He smiled a little. "No," He said. "She's scared shitless of me but we're talking more. She's really cool."

I smiled. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's bugging me." I've asked the few Juniors I've talked to who it could be but they don't know anyone like he's described. He smiles adn shakes his head.

"No," He said. "But I'll see you later. You working this afternoon?"

"Yeah," I said. "We're both working until seven so I'm giving him a ride home. Why?"

"A few records came out today," He said. "I'll stop by and visit you or something."

I smiled. "Okay," I said.

"Paul was complaining though because he said that kid Bennett was working there today," He said rolling his eyes. "I might hang around in there for a while."

"Cool," I said. "I'll be sure to come by on break."

He smiled. "See you Rainie Joseph," He said like he always did.

I smiled. And he walked away down the halls.

He was smiling so much more. I smiled to myself headed down the other hallway to find Paul waiting at his locker for me. He was going through his locker like he always does and I couldn't help but smile even more. I moved my arms around covering his eyes. "Hey," He said not even reacting.

He turned pealign my hands off of his eyes. I smiled and we kissed. I was so happy. That was really strange too. After so long I didn't know I could be this happy again.

1 comment:

never-explore said...


Who's the dude?!
I was like think Paul at first then I was like no. Then I was thinking Bennett. Then I was like uh... no. And then now I'm just completely lost.

Is this a new character?
If not, I wanna know who it is.