Monday, June 28, 2010

"Coney Island" Good Old War


It's really hot and humid where I am here today. The heat is literally roasting my little kitties to the point I can hear their little hairs singe-ing (just kidding, if that happened I'd ditch this town and move to Alaska).

I have a busy day ahead of me and I had a busy day yesterday. I don't mean I'm working or anything but I have to pick up books at the library and cash a check from work and then see if my mailman wasn't stupid again and took my Netflix movie. I'm addicted to Netflix now. My life revolves around it.

Mother: Do you want to go to the beach?
Me: Can't.
Mother: Are you going out with your friends?
Me: No, I have to watch "Milk" (a movie I got on Netflix), we can go some other time.

I'm weird. Sorry for blogging about my life. Here is the important thing: while I work at my mundane job, it is mindless enough that I can map out future events of "All We Ever Needed" and I can write in my head. But I'll be writing a little here and there when I get the time.


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