Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lace's POV -------- setting: first kiss

I couldn't think of a more perfect situation. It was warm out and we were sitting on the back porch of this house. She was leaning against me and my arm was around her. She smelled really good. It was like fruits or something. Nick was with us too. I sat there quietly as he talked. She turned her face looking up at me. Em was really perfect.

Per came out all of a sudden and ruined it. "Hey, Nick," He said. "Come here,"

Nick sighed putting the joint out and got up. "I'll be back," He said. I nodded and he walked away. I watched him disappear and all of a sudden it was just me and Em. She moved her arms around me and I moved my hand up cupping her elbow. She looked at me. I smiled and she giggled looking down again.

This was perfect. I hadn't smoked that much but I was still a little up there. I looked at her. I wanted to kiss her. I always wanted to kiss her but that was just because Nick was right. I was basically treating her like she was my girlfriend. She liked me. That's all I knew. "Em?"

"Yeah?" She said. She looked up at me. I moved my arm more comfortably around her because it was starting to fall asleep. She shifted with me and I felt better.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

A smile flickered across her face. "Are you asking?" She said. For some reason I knew if I did she'd be okay with it. She would say yes. I didn't feel that before now but I was almost certain. But am I asking?

"No," I said. "I was just wondering."

She stilll smiled slightly blinking really slowly. She shrugged one shoulder. "Yes, I do," She said.

"Good," I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked quietly. I sounded like an idiot to her. I wasn't even that high because that pot was terrible but I just looked at her and smiled a little. I was talking like I just smoked six bowls. I felt so stupid.

"Yeah," I said. She smiled back at me. My stomach got all shaky, but I had to ask. I would be an asshole if I didn't. "So, what are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Nothing," She said. "We always hang out on Saturday nights."

I hadn't realized that. I guess that meant it was a night for me. She got up shifting again and my arm fall more towards her back. My fingers tangle in her hair and I smooth my hand out against her back. "So," I said. "I'll pick you up at seven, is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine."

I was going on a date with her tomorrow. This was perfect. "Good," I said. I felt really tired all of a sudden. I think I even started rambling about some band.

She sat up. "Can I hear it, is it in your car?" At first I didn't even know what I had been talking about. But I knew suddenly I had been talking about "Untitled 01" so I figure why not. We get up and walk over. I remembered what Nick said to me about how I was probably confusing her. So I held her hand. She squeezed my fingers and we walked over to my car.

It was a mess but I unlocked her door and she got in letting me shut the door behind her. Then I walked to the other side and got in. The tapes were all over the place. I started going through them but couldn't find it. She reached down and started picking them up and as the amount of tapes on the floor lessened I finally found it way at the bottom.

I set it up. Insert, rewind, pause, play, volume. It came out of the speakers nicely. Tapes always sound the best. She dropped the others onto the ground and listened. I watched her. She mouth curved upwars slightly but she moved her hand in front of it and she had this look of intent and concentration.

Tonight she looked gorgeous. I couldn't even believe how lucky I was. We were going on a date. She wanted to be my girlfriend. I never fell for a girl this fast but with Emily I couldn't seem to help it. I just watched her occassionally glanging at the stereo. It was a short song. I had the entire tape playing it over and over again, but as soon and it finished I pressed stop. I look over and she's looking at me differently. Softly.

I smile a little and she moved a hand to my face, right along my lower jaw. I reach up and smooth hand hand against it. The way her fingers coil up slightly and spread out against my skin is enough to make me weak. I can't help it. I lean in slowly to find her moving right towards me. I couldn't believe this is happening. Then her lips are on mine. I close my eyes and move my hands to her face. I am in shock.

Fuck everything, I hate myself for waiting. If fireworks really can be ignited from a single kiss then this is it. This is the single kiss. I felt everything in one short kiss. It ended and I looked at her. She looks beautiful. She's mine.


I know I must seem like an idiot. But she smiled moing her hands to the bac of my neck and pulling me closer to me. We kiss again. Her fingers play with my hair. I close my eyes moving my hand to the side of her neck. It is soft and innocent. I could feel the soft thump of her pulse. I moved back and looked at her.

She stared back, speechless.

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