Monday, December 20, 2010

How is everyone? I haven't written on here in a while, so I'll update.

Story's going great. I am really paying attention to the content and how well my writing is. I wrote this obscenely hypocritical chapter and edited it. Now I'm really getting into the character's for the next one. It's pretty big, and I'll try my best not to make it corny.

See, I haven't touched a cheesy love story in probably a year or more, so I'm rusty. I want to make this story realistic and yet pretty entertaining and meeting to what is required for a love story now. Except I still want to play with what's expected.

I am not writing as much as I'd like to, its my awful procrastination, but I'm getting on track don't worry. Plus, my winter break's coming up, so I'll have tons to update then when I decide to ignore my reading to write. Get ready, kids.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm sorry to complain, but I'm getting really frustrated actually because of this no reviews thing. I know people might be busy, but I have been posting a lot and writing a lot, and I'd like to hear back.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This no reviews thing it killing me. It's gettign juicy and nobodys talking. Silly geese, review. I lahve ya.

Notes will start to be posted, especially of the old version.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

There always seems to be this weird drop-off on my stories when people stop reviewing. Now's the real test. Can I stay inspired long enough to keep posting without any reviewing readers?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Kayla has always looked like the girl in this photo for me. I think it's Charlie Sheen next to her, but I've yet to find out who the heck this mystery girl is, so she'll just stay Kayla for me. The original Kayla was supposed to have dark hair, but it's like, c'mon. How unoriginal is that? I've done that ten fold. So I made Kayla a brown-red-head. Hope that's okay.
Excuse: Fanfiction just rebooted my account after I wrote probably 1,500 words for the next chapter. Eff you, FF. It actually came out good and you delete it. However, it's a weekend, so I might just type it fast.

I am impressed with the amount of reviews I have been getting. Nearly 2 for every chapter, kudos. They're not that consistent, but I am lucky to have peeps still reading my dabbling. Especially since I am super rusty on the whole "writing" aspect of this thing.

I'm juicing it up, and am having a little fun doing so. I haven't read a Sarah Dessen book in over two years now, so I'm proud of myself. Except I find my writing more male-populated than hers. Huh, guess that's what I get when all I do is read man-books.

I have so much fun writing Peter though. I am so amused by the fact that he is based look-wise on a literary Peter, whom I absolutely adore. Now my characters aren't based on members from my favorite bands, but instead on writers from the 50s. Sheesh.

I don't have any cool notes to post, mainly because I can't do so without ruining the fun.