Monday, December 20, 2010

How is everyone? I haven't written on here in a while, so I'll update.

Story's going great. I am really paying attention to the content and how well my writing is. I wrote this obscenely hypocritical chapter and edited it. Now I'm really getting into the character's for the next one. It's pretty big, and I'll try my best not to make it corny.

See, I haven't touched a cheesy love story in probably a year or more, so I'm rusty. I want to make this story realistic and yet pretty entertaining and meeting to what is required for a love story now. Except I still want to play with what's expected.

I am not writing as much as I'd like to, its my awful procrastination, but I'm getting on track don't worry. Plus, my winter break's coming up, so I'll have tons to update then when I decide to ignore my reading to write. Get ready, kids.

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