Saturday, December 4, 2010

Excuse: Fanfiction just rebooted my account after I wrote probably 1,500 words for the next chapter. Eff you, FF. It actually came out good and you delete it. However, it's a weekend, so I might just type it fast.

I am impressed with the amount of reviews I have been getting. Nearly 2 for every chapter, kudos. They're not that consistent, but I am lucky to have peeps still reading my dabbling. Especially since I am super rusty on the whole "writing" aspect of this thing.

I'm juicing it up, and am having a little fun doing so. I haven't read a Sarah Dessen book in over two years now, so I'm proud of myself. Except I find my writing more male-populated than hers. Huh, guess that's what I get when all I do is read man-books.

I have so much fun writing Peter though. I am so amused by the fact that he is based look-wise on a literary Peter, whom I absolutely adore. Now my characters aren't based on members from my favorite bands, but instead on writers from the 50s. Sheesh.

I don't have any cool notes to post, mainly because I can't do so without ruining the fun.