Friday, January 30, 2009

"Hair" The Early November


So this is a fun little thing. Maybe you can get to know me more and everything. But I'll try and keep you updated on my work any everythign too and this is easier so if I'm slow on something you can check and see what's up.

What I want to do is possibly add some fun little things I've found rereading my notes- like the first notes fpr "Last Place You Look" or why some things happened and what's inspiring me. And also, I don't know how much I can get into this, but I'm tihnking about getting one of these stories published. So far, with my rewrite showcasing my personal best, I'm looking into trying to get "Perfect Kisses Lead to One Night Stands" published first. I'm not even done with the rewrite, but who knows.

"The Universe tends to unfold as it should." - adam t. siska.

I hope you guys read this. Because I love all you've given to me. And all you've done to me by reviewing or reading or just checking in to see what's up or reading my stories and giving them a chance. You make me feel like I can do anything.

And I've never been this happy or confident about anything, and I'm buying a webcam soon so maybe some video updates maybe if this blog thing works out.

But thank you if you're reading this. You are making me a better person everyday.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Christy/Chrsty/Smelyatala heree. ^^

No I am not stalking you.
Well maybe I am. But I had the blog for quite some time. xD

But anyways, Hey. (: