Saturday, January 31, 2009

"After The Last Midtown Show" The Academy Is...


I feel sort of weird saying this but to explain why I'm going ot go in and change Bennett's name and stuff and a lot of stuff is because I feel like I am writing too much one on idea. So I'll come clean. I am obsessed. Beyond obsessed. A stronger word that means: to eat, sleep, drink, breathe and exist off of.

I started writing one afternoon to this new record that came out. It had themes of High School, break-ups and isolation. Which are themes in my writing too. So listening to the record Fast times at Barrington High by The Academy Is... I started writing. I concieved the idea of an emo kid. An outsider. A freak. The center of attention. Nameless he was sitting agaisnt the stage trying out for a school talent show. Told from the point of view of a nameless shy insecure girl. If you've read "The Last Place You Look" you know who these people are.

And somehow it got bigger and bigger. I concieved the idea of this boy who this nameless emo faggot started a band with. The nameless emo faggot was naturally inspired by William Beckett. And the boy he started a band with was a weird character. He really had no substance. So I added a girl. He was in love with this girl. And they were physical opposites and he was strogn enough to hold her together when she fell apart. Thus creating Rainie Joseph and Paul Spinella.

But coming up with this my obsession with The Acadmey Is... was only beginning. I reached boardie status at this point. Ironies started unwinding and it turned out the names all fell into place in a strange stalker-ish fashion. As well as some events. Though one song is directly paralell to what happens in the story off of Fast Times I've reached a point where if I take this any step further I'll have to shoot myself in the foot and remove the psines of this story. Maybe it's not so obvious. But to me it's deafening.

I just reread the ending of "The Last Place You Look" and I hope I don't do this story anything wrong by fixing the few glitches. My changes will be minimal and miniscual but it's all to make the story stand on it's own. But the roots are still in the same record. That branches of off my favorite band and my saviors. Who breathed life into me and made it so I could be here.

If you've never heard Fast Times at Barrington High you have to listen to "After the Last Midtown Show" and you'll understand why I made these characters. Why I started writing this summer when I loved this record even before I heard it.


True Confessions: William Beckett saved my life.

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