Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Babygirl" Anthony Green


My writer's block is gone. And I've been working on a multi-POV sequel to "The Last Place You Look" and "Perfect Kisses Lead to One Night Stands" but it's only present in my notes and my mind and I'm not sure if I'll get ot writing it seriously. I want to work on "Leaving Through The Window" and this more alternative piece that still rmeains in the works and untitled.

My rewrite is going peachy. I like adding in more things. And little bits and pieces I forgot or thought of writing later on. A few family things. So this isn't all about the Rainie and Paul story. Even though that's the main point. But there's more cheek-pinching and gut-punching family moments in store. Not that you don't know very well how most of them will play out- those who have read the original. And this won't be so drastic. But I'm going to add a little more in also of the Spinella family. I'm also surprised that nobody asked about them.

Also in "The Last Place You Look" how could you not demand what the note in the envelope in the box said? Come on guys. I rely on you for feedback. I love you all. I just I'm a little bit shocked and amazed only I picked up on that. I honestly forgot and I hope you all noticed this if you reread a few things. I left myself wondering. What about you?

So I added a little epilogue. And I hope you like it.

I'll get to work right now. I'm listening to Anthony Green and probably unconciously starting another storyline in my head. Jesus. I have so much to write. A lot I hope you like. My next piece may not fit under the Sarah Dessen catagories. It's more... out there in a sense. It's still cheesy and happy. Just a little more "The Riot" than "Dear Hannah Jane" you dig? But I love having so much in store for you.

I'm coming more and more into my own. Personality-wise I "identify" a lot. I pick up on qualities in other people and mimick them. And I mix them all together into myself. Which means I'm like a million people in one. And my writing must be the same way. Whenever you take in something, it influences you no matter what. You may not even realize it but it does.

Peace out-

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