Sunday, February 8, 2009

"The Author" The Academy [Is...]


Yesterday I think I ended my creative block. My freehand came out incredible. And it's on of the best drawings I've ever done. It's of Oli Sykes of this band Bring Me The Horizon. They were on the cover of my Bible- AKA Alternative Press Magazine, and I had to draw this picture. It was so freaking amazing looking.

And I think I have new momentum behind "Perfect Kisses Lead to One Night Stands"

But last night my update was kind of late. I spent all night watching MTV with my dad talking about music, The Beatles, Elvis Costello, Jenny Lewis, Led Zeppelin, and Kid Rock. And you may think Kid Rock is a tool, he can sure rock a live show, and being best friends with a 3'9" midget earns this dude some cool points on my books. I've recently combined three out in the air ideas of mine and may be putting them together soon into a nother story. You guys must think I'm insane coming up with stories. 50% of them are forgotten. Although sometimes I keep writign them and by luck they become something huge.

But anyway. I hope everyone has a good week. I'm going ot hop-to-it on a poetry project and try and find a song that relates to the theme "Isolation" which is the main theme of all the poetry I have found yet.

Sometimes I pull unintentional emo moves. Everyone's going to have themes like love, friendship, puppies, unicorns... and I'll remain the deep English Freak that says metaphoric crap all the time and has the theme Isolation.

I'll have an update today... possibly? Don't hold me to anything. Poetry to me is like candy. I'll post some of the stuff I used to write when I gave up on writing what I do now and started writing poetry.


-Jasey Ray.

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