Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Just Another One" A Rocket to the Moon


Okay so I have enoguh material to post this all up on FanFiction. Tomorrow for sure.

Elisa's POV

I was standing there. I gave up. Walking out to get my coffee, planning on coming back soon. That kid with the Auto tune wouldn't sign the contract saying to drop it. I got my coffee and walked back in preparing ot say without it no deal.

"...I'm a huge fan of yours dude." AutoTune said. "You're my fucking idol."

"Thanks," Bennett said.

I smiled. "Hey," Bennett came over and kissed my forehead quickly.

"What's up?" He asked.

"We're trying to sign these guys," I said. "But Sean wants him to stop using Auto Tune."

Bennett nodded. He looked at the kid. His names Jeremy. "You use Auto Tune?" He asked.

Jeremy, you could tell, was cracking. "I'm trying not to, but you know, it goes with our sound, I guess."

The other guys jumped saying that it wasn't. They were all big Red Letter Day fans. you could tell. And in one quick singing session. Acapella and Bennett talking. We had Jeremy promising to put away the old Auto Tune.

They walked out following Sean to get some more details pounded out. I kissed Bennett. "Thank you," I said. "You just did three weeks of work for me in a few minutes."

He smiled. "That means more time for us." He said. "I'm here for four weeks you know."

I smiled kissing him again. "I know," I said. I moved away. "You know, one of the perks of dating Bennett Williams and co-owning a record label si you can bring him in and help you sign bands."

He laughed. "I know." He said. "That's why you keep me around huh?"

"Yeah," I said. "And the fact that you're cute."

He kissed me smiling. "I love you." He said again.

"I love you too."

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Sure," I said. "Where are we going?"

"I haven't driven around Kerrington yet." He said. "And I haven't eaten either so I'm starving."

"Carol's." I said. "She gives me donuts for free now."

He smiled. "Jelly ones too." He said. "Not those crappy plain ones."

"Yep," I said. "Come on."

And he wove his fingers into mine and we left.

Rainie's POV

I walked out of my class. I hadn't payed attention at all. This kid named Adam caught up to me. "Rainie!" I turned. "Hey, uh, you forgot this." He handed me my notes.

"Oh," I said. I reached out and took them. My notes were probably my life bound up into a notebook. "Thank you." I tucked hair behind me ear.

"No problem." He said. "What have you been working on?"

He started wlakign with me. "In my stories you mean?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said. "What's your last one about?"

I paused. "This old woman has this problem. It's mental and she keeps having these spells where she goes back in time and is young and beautiful again and she's with this person who was there when she was really like that. And they make her not want to come back to her real age, and stuff. It's weird. And her family is being told by the doctors that she's going to die if she keeps going under these spells. I'm not done with it, but it'll be done soon."

He nodded. "That sounds cool," He said. "Can you give me a copy when you're done?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sure."

He smiled. "See you soon."

"Bye," I said. I kept walking. I thought about giving a copy to Paul. But I didn't think he'd care that much. But if I was gettign one to Adam anyways, I think Paul'd might like it.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

I am going to kill him.

She doesn't like him does she? D:
God. I hope not. I'm going to kill Adam. Kill. Kill. *chants*

And I still love Bennett&Elisa. They're actually really funny. Like a cute funny way. I just want to squeeze their butt cheeks (lol. Or just face cheeks.). ^^