Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Lazy Eye" Silversun Pickups


Rereading. Rereading. Rereading. "Last Place You Look" is a secret obsession of mine. I love reading it. It's like I got a book out from the library and I can't stop reading it. But my obsession with the Academy Is... has thickened even more (is that possible? somehow...) and I'm going to change a few names around it's decided but I'll keep Bennett Williams I think.

They can't sue me I guess. And that name is so natural for me now. It's impossible for him to be under any other name.

I'm relying on you guys to bring your A-game when it comes to feedback. My sister isn't into reading stuff on the computer so please give me all your feedback. I have thick skin and I love to hear you guys' opinions.

Sorry "Perfect Kisses" Rewrite is so slow. It's harder and slower and I'm trying ot find other ways around this. But it's so hard. School. Cat-sitting. Family. Now sports (uber-UGH!). But it'll go by faster. I'll let a few chapters pool up before I post again.

Then it'll feel like I did more for you :P

It's my sister's birthday so I filled a whol hallmark card with rambles and stuff. Sisterly love and mentioning of dance parties and Double Duels. It's pretty intense. She's hitting a huge checkmark in her life and I'm happy for her. She's a pretty sick kid.

...if only she'd read my work...

Winter's Passing-

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