Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Seed" The Academy Is...


The first story that was set in present times that I came up with was called "Rain Clouds Clear Skies." My other two main stories were set in Medieval times and the other a Harry Potter rip-off. But this was my first in the genre I tend to write in now. Where I get my pen name and where I decided I liked writing about emo kids. It's about a girl who moves to this small town she hates and she meets this kid Mike who she becomes friends with and she thinks he's perfect and everything and the whole town looks perfect to her. This was before The Academy Is... was even in my life but Mike was a really big inspiration for Bennett Williams and I stole a lot from his character for Bennett. So I don't know if I'll write it out because Bennett and Mike will be too similar. But Jasey (Yes her name is Jasey) is so fun to write from her POV. She's much like myself while I was writing it.

So here goes...

It rained. Not drizzling or slow heavy raindrops; it was soft heavy raindrops showering from the gray dull clouds around the town. During our Photography class it started. The rain wanted to leave no area or thing not soaken.

I loved rain more than anything. I was the thought of rain that made me want to smile. The one thing I love most is the smell. The wet, humid smell. Rain was like the first snow day for me.

For the rest of the period my eyes were glued to the clock or the window. I wanted to get outside. Mike would watch me. He smiled whenever I looked at the clock. whenever he smiled Taylor's cheeks would burn. Mr Ryan was showcasing the best pieces of work right before our vacation. Spring Break.

The bell rang and I got up I nearly ran out to the hall, but they were jammed with students. I didn't look weird. I took in a deep breathe to calm myself. Kyle always hated rain. If he could he'd live in a desert so he didn't need to deal with rain.

Five minutes later I was getting my stuff together, listening to Mike and Taylor talk. She stood in between us. I never cared, but she always flaunted herself in front of Mike like she was going out of style.

"My mom is giving me a ride home." She said in her cutesy voice. "We could drop you off at your house, if you want."

I shut my locker and knelt onto the floor securing the items in my bag- procrastinating, waiting for the halls to empty. "Um," Mike said. "I think my mom is driving me home."

"Okay," Then she kissed him. A serious, sort of shoving him backwards kiss. "Bye."

I made a face at her. I had to witness Taylor mark her territory yet again. I zipped my bag and Mike shut his locker.

"So," He said to me. "I assume you're walking home."

I locked my locker. "Yeah," I smiled. "I guess."

He locked his locker, and I slung one strap on my backpack over my shoulder. "Could you use some company?" He asked smiling.

"Your mom is driving you home though." I said.

"You do that to the boyfriend all the time." He said. "I can lie too."

"Can't tell Taylor we did this." I said as we walked down the hallways.

"I won't plan on it anytime soon," Mike said.

Then school was empty by the time we stepped outside. Cars were driving off and the buses long gone. Nobody seemed to have walked home but us.

My hair was dark and wet, matching Mike's as we stepped onto the sidewalk. It stuck to my forehead and anything it could reach below my jaw line. I walked on the slow side staring up at the vertical view of rain pouring down on us. The rain puddle lying on the edge of the road was constantly moving like a minute ocean.

Mike jumped into it sending the water out, soaking me. Then I jumped on him. I grabbed a little above his neck and his hands stopped at my waist. We froze and when we stopped/ Frozen solid breathing and staring at each other's eyes.

* * *

Yuo may have always wondered why Rainie Joseph got her name. Her name is a metaphor I concieved writing "Rain Clouds Clear Skies." Rain Clouds Clear Skies means that even in a clear sky there are clouds. Nothing is perfect. And nothing is complete free of flaws. And Rainie depicts that.

The summer when I was writing "Rain Clouds Clear Skies" I was also writing EMO poems that I may or may not post. It's completely personal and about my life and expiriences of that summer and it's sad and depressingly haunting to anyone who knows what was really happened. Which is one person. Nothing bad happened to me. But I wasn't in a good place. And I concieved another idea. That rain is the world washing away all the bad things in life. And whenever it rained I always went outside and "cleansed" myself so to speak. I really jsut wanted everything bad going on in my head to go away.

I sound liek I was bi-polar and crazy. On-the-fence insane. I wasn't. I just had this really dark period I think was the second case of depression I've had in my life.

But naming the character Rainie was difficult. I had come up with the idea of a really dorky quirky girl who had a lot happen to her falling in love with someone who was "strong" enough to hold her together. Making Rainie a slut was unintentional. The reason I did was because I had the idea of rumors going around of- the then "Adam" now Bennett Williams and a girl who was a slut. So I gave more to that character. And I tend to mix ideas. And I mixed Rainie with that "slut" and then created Paul. The emo, physically strong, guitar player who falls in love with Rainie and who she falls in love with.

To me the character Rainie captures those two ideas in a subtle hidden way. I mean I don't know how many english dorks could pry that out of:

My aim was great these days. This time when I jumped up behind him, my hands covered his eyes perfectly again. He jumped a little. Not so much this time. Showing me he didn’t expect me to jump up behind him. But the moment his eyes were suddenly blocked he had a feeling it was me. Because the first words to come out of his mouth when he relaxed- his lighter and cigarette hitting the ground loudly- “Rainie, what the fuck are you doing?”

But then again I think if you caught me on a role in English class not having written this book, I could have come up with something similar. And I'm not being cocky but I do tend to say crap like that all the time.

Maybe some more later. Or a little one-shot because I've been writing a lot of those lately.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Oh dang. The Rain Clouds Clear Skies. Super good.
I can totally 'make up' what happens next. Cause I'm cool like that. ;)

Anyway, keep writing.