Friday, February 20, 2009

"Soul Meets Body" Death Cab For Cutie


I'm really sick all of a sudden. Maybe walking around in 40 degree weather in a sweatshirt caused this or sudden allergies. But I'm not so hot right now.

It sucks because I would have gotten at least two shirts done had I not been so prone to failure and stress. What I hate more than anything is people putting guidlines to my work or my art. People giving me limits and time periods. I'm fucked. Really. My parents are watching every little tihng I do and really there's nothing worse than that. They had a freak attack because I owe this girl like four shirts. I'll give her like five. I've ruined like two. Couldn't use two more and had to keep getting them.

And worst of all I can't write. I cna't do anything. I can't even bring myself ot play guitar. My love for music is waning. And I'm falling apart. I had an weird breathing attack thing today and about three instances when I could have burst out crying. I'm not in good shape. Not at all.

I'm not inspired by anything anymore. Listening to Radiohead was pretty cool. Busted out my notes (which I haven't touched in a while almost a month) wrote a couple things. Nothing big or anything. Nothing huge. I jsut started writing and it was all pronouns like "he" and "she" and what not. But I need something like that to push me more.

Not my parents.

But I go through weird periods where I'll forget about a band or something and it all comes back and hits me. Records I haven't touched in a while it all come right back. But recently it's all coming to a screeching hault.

I need to be inspired by something which is really impossible for me right now. I'm taking a short break from my writing. A week or so. Maybe less. I'm going to a show this weekend and hopefully that will help. And I'll be musically immersed for a while too. But I'll see you soon. I just need some rest with the computer thing.

I'll post art and drawings I do and some stuff I dig up and find interesting. But I'll update as soon as humanly possible.


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