Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Tokyo Bay" The Academy Is...


I've been really blocked lately. My family doesn't get it so they are pushing me to work on these shirts I need to give this girl. And then my mom is trying to push me out of the house. Which stresses me and blocks me even more. And I can barely sleep normally. My sleeping pattern's all fucked up. And I can't sleep when I want to and wake up to the most random things. And I'll wake up and try to do something productive. I can't write anything. and music's not doing it for me lately.

So I am starting up drawign again for me. I'll post this piece I'm working on. I started last night and I got the closure I wanted for one of the most recent things stressing me. But I had a weird dream abotu sugar water and Circa Survive. But Anthony Green only inspires "The Riot" for me. And "Perfect Kisses Lead To One Night Stands" is really difficult. I'll have a new update tonight... maybe... maybe not.

But I've been upt ot my old tricks again downloading a ton of music crap. And updating my iPod. Playlists. And doing mindless logical stuff. In Math I just sit there and my mind wanders off into my pieces and stories. But it's funny. I should do math problems or something when I'm blocked liek this.

I think all this stress is just building up. It's awful. I haven't had a Listening Session or listened to anything that inspired me for "Perfect Kisses" in a while. I don't think any record inspired me for them actually. I don't own Siamese Dream or (What's The Story) Morning Glory. Nor have I listened to them much other than a couple songs. And other than that all my other records that have any force to inspire me are already inspiring me to write other stories.

It's awful and confusing. So I'm done with excuses. I'll buckle down and finish whatever else I need to.

Peace Out Cub Scout-

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