Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Fly on the Wall" Miley Cyrus


"Fly on the Wall" by Miley Cyrus sucks. BUT I enjoy doing the creepy voice when it says "Fly on the Wall" in this song during "Everything We Had" by The Academy Is... which I get a kick out of. Hah.

I apologize for my lameness. LQTM (Laugh Quietly To Myself) because LOL (Laugh out Loud) is so overrated.

But I am the tetris champion. I'm like ranked three out of all of my friends on the old Face Book who play Tetris and I feel pretty cool so I decided to write a blog and apologize for the fact that I haven't been writing. I'm having a Writer's Smock as my main man William Beckett explained on HIS blog. It's like Writer's Block. It sucks. Oof.

I know I said I kicked it but I picked up another problem. I should go to TAA meetings as well as my TAIAA. I am a Tetris-aholic. I cannot stop playing it. It's amazing how someone could invent a game so entertaining annoying and frustrating that is so fucking fun to play.

But I have some old tricks up my sleeves. I'm pulling out some unused material for this rewrite. AND as a little bonus I'll be writing a little, you know, sequel perhaps? Tie between "The Last Place You Look" and "Perfect Kisses Lead To One Night Stands" that happens a few years later. Both are going to be UBER-fun.

Again excuse my lameness and dorkiness.

But HAH! I'm not going ot update tomorrow because HAH! I have managed to have a life. But I promise udating soon. Excuses aside.

Then again...

If I blog later that I decided to spend a few hours writing a "You know you love Mike Carden [from The Academy Is...] when..." list and couldn't work on my updates I owe you, slap me hard across the face with a Miley Cyrus cardboard cut-out.

ALSO! How creepy is that Edward Cullen dude? Not only do I hate the guy for fucking up Bennett in the middle of "Last Place You Look" BUT the guys is creepy. My friend has this cardboard cut-out of him. SOOO weird and sketchy.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

TeamJacob ftw! : D
Though I only like him cause he's a werewolf ...
and so is Seth. I love Seth. ♥