Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Baby, you won't last a minute on the Creek" Chidos


I've been reading up on published author's books so I'm thinking of purchasing a book and getting down to business. But I am trying to decide how to go about this. find an agent. Or go without one. They cost money so I might try to get a smaller publishing company. But really I have no idea. There's this book I'm thinking of getting.

But I'm definatly publishing one of my Kerrington pieces if I do end up gettign anything out there. It's just the decision between which. Which I might wait to finish both manuscripts. So far I'm loving "The Last Place You Look" but "Perfect Kisses Lead To One Night Stands" is still a little favorite of mine. I think I despise the one I'm writing most. Because that's all that happens. I hated "Perfect Kisses" when I was writign it thorugh the first time and then I hated "Last Place" when I was writing it. It's confusing.

My other stories I'm coming up with are a little more different. A little more alternative and not so much Sarah Dessen like I mentioned. So excited though. Coming up with notes right now. And it's going to be painful to write and my other story- which is more Stephen Chbosky and remaining unfinished on my FanFiction- "The Riot" is also something I want to work on.

I know everyone wants to be a writer. They all want to be the big bestselling authors who write and attract talk shows and attention and readers like teenage girls to Robert Patterson (is that his name?). I want that too. But I jsut want to get a book out there. Maybe make no money at all but I'm so young and I jsut want to have something I can hold and have a lot of people reading.

I'm not trying to be the next Sarah Dessen and I'm not even cut out for that. I just want to make a name for myself. I want to be someone before I die. And if I should die before I wake from this dream, I know at least I tried.


Theme Music: "The Great Escape" Boys Like Girls - Story: Song that saved my life and wrote love on my arms. Always wanted to write to this song. But can never bring myself to.

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