Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Waiting" The Rocket Summer


So the last try of this went better. So I'll continue.

Bennett's POV

His door slammed and I flinched. What's worse isn't when you know a guy long as I've known Paul. Sicne we were eighteen. Now we're twenty four. He never used to be bitter. But living on a bus with him is worse. The mention of anything jsut pushes him over the edge.

I had to tell him though. I really did. Elisa looked at me. "Do you think they said anything ot each other?" She whispered.

"No." I said. It was true. He didn't come out for a little while. When he did he was the same Paul he was on tour. Where he shut the world out sometimes. Close to bi-polar it seemed. But he was jsut so bitter about everything. I swallowed and we waited. When metal blared through his speakers we knew he was just cooling off.

I don't know many people who find mercy in metal besides him.

I looked at Elisa. She was starign at the wall in the direction of Paul's room thinking. I went close to her. Pulling her into my arms. I kissed her. She moved close to me. With screaming and heavy guitars giving us rhythem in our hearts we kissed. A hello for a whole month we had to live normal lives.

Being with her. The love of my life was everything to me. It was enough to give me all I ever wanted. Losing that would make me bitter too. Which is why I'm the only one who seems to understand why Paul has a need to blast metal day in and out.

* * *

I walked in a few hours later. Paul was sitting watching TV drinking beer. I looked at him. People were comign over soon. "Hey," I said. I sat down.

He looked at me. "You weren't even going to give me a heads up?" He asked accusingly. He would only say this to me.

I looked at him. "You would have murdered me." I said.

He clenched his teeth and drank more beer. I looekd at the football game on the television. I wasn't interested in sports. I paused thinking of what to say. "She's not in good shape. If you talked to her or anything when it wasn't planned she..." My voice trailed off. I looked at him. I knew he was listening. I knew better than anyone. "She's been having these anxiety attacks, Elisa said. She's different now. She's..."

He looked at me waiting for the adjective.

I couldn't find one. And we sat quietly. The referee made a bad call. But Paul didn't say anything. "Is she coming tonight?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Do you think Elisa's going to invite her?" He asked. He didn't want to make it so he told me to tell Elisa to invite her. He didn't want to be linked to it directly.

"Maybe," I got up. "I'll go ask her."

He nodded. Looking back at the TV.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww, crap. Poor Paul. D:
For some reason, I always thought of him with anger issues. But that's because Twilight Paul has anger issues.

And I love Twilight Paul. But not as much as Perfect Kisses Paul. ;D

BUT POOR PAUL. I want to give him a hug. But I also need him to meet up with Raine again.

I really want to know what they'll talk about (if they'' talk at all).


And I really love how Bennett still loves Elisa. :3

Cause I know if they break up too, I'll go even more.. crazy. xD