Monday, February 16, 2009

"Silver Lining" Rilo Kiley


I keep and eye on the Sarah Dessen catagories. I read a lot of stuff but never really review. I tried to start being the review person for someone like some do for me. And actually it got really frustrating. I started messaging back and forth with the girl and she was telling me about her writing and stuff. And her stories and where they are going and everything.

And then she was gone.

I was pretty mad. Her story sounded pretty good. But I don't know. It just sort of came to a screeching hault(spelling?) and she stopped. But last night she made an amazing comeback. And she has a new story. You should check it out. I am obsesssssssssed.

Not only because we share a love for The Academy Is... (although she is a Butcher fangirl while Mike Carden is obviouslyobviouslyobviously the hottest member of the band) and my main man Anthony Green BUT she writes some of the sickest stuff ever.

Her name is Niki FM (aka a reference to my favorite Hawthorne Heights song!!)

Check out her new story. It's soooooo good.

I'm outside of your window
with my radio-

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