Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"The Best of Me" The Starting Line


So my rewrite has hit a screeching halt and I find myself trying to write and when I hit my strive- BAM! E-mail pop-up "Niki FM updated her [super rad supreme] story" and I lose it. I read it and get into it. I'm totally digging it right now. Read it. Review it. You won't be sorry. I'll link it HERE.

It's weird. I started getting into my music by these totally epic classic songs. Like Jack's Mannequin "Dark Blue" and Brand New "Mix Tape" and when I got my first alternative press it had these sick bands on the cover. But one of my EPIC bands had an article and I loved it and read it.

What made me stop listening to The Starting Line was when the lead singer Kenny Vasoli said "I write my best songs when I'm high." And when you're 13 years young and anti-drugs you just sort of sit there and think I idolized this man and here he is saying drugs make him make art. And so I stopped listening to them.

That was until a few days ago when I was on YouTube and it recommended "The Best of Me" music video. And if you don't know that music video I'll link it HERE! Sooooo good. In love. And I downloaded all of their records (illegally but I plan on pulling what I did with Hawthorne Heights and am going to Newbury Comics and if they're all there and used I'll probably buy all of them) and I'm obsessed. They're on break but I can't wait till 2011 to see Kenny Vasoli and love him undeniably with the millions of other emo kids he's captured with his music.

I painted a ceraminc turtle today with my little cousin. He slept over and I got him addicted to TAI TV (The Academy Is' webisode.) It's so funny. He's only five and thinks its hilarious too.

Au Revior-


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