Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Valentine" The Get Up Kids


So I've been listening to some Elliott Smith stuff which are awful for my rewrite for "Perfect Kisses." If you don't know who Elliott Smith is, he's this amazing songwriter. Five years ago he committed suicide and even though I was suffering the tragedy any third grader would when your childhood/future husband moves thirty minutes away and you are moving across town to a new house when it happened and didn't know there was music outside of Mix 98.5, I idolize that man now.

But I won't have an update this weekend. It's taking longer BUT I'm getting into a really good place with the whole story. It's gonna' be fresh and new and everything. I'm on chapter 11 right now and putting in a little more ironies and little things here and there. A little more substance. Everything.

I also have "Leaving Through The Window" mapped out in my notes. Every single event summarized in about eight pages. It's mad intense. I jsut had to sneak in a little Suburban Boston slang-a-lang. And a little dorky phrase I made up off of the top of my head.

So yeah, I'm expiriencing what it's like ot be an only child (my sister being in Florida) and so far it has it's pros and cons. The major con being my parents not understanding when I beg them to let me finish a chapter and monitoring my computer use and wondering what I'm doing when I'm hacking music off of MySpace when they would normally be wigging out at my sister and bugging her.

And worst of all they took Donnie Darko off of On Demand (sad face). If you don't see that movie in your lifetime your missing out. Greates movie ever even for me- the worst person to watch a movie with.

Story of the Week: In my homeroom we had two representatives for the Spelling Bee. One got suspended the other had mono so... my english teachers forces me into taking the position. I'm fine in front of crowds. Except I got words like "earthenware" while other kids had "powwow" and "ninja." And to make it worse myself running the phrase- non-acronymed too- "FML" over and over again in my head led me to spell Ventilate starting with an F. I can't wait till I'm forty and can laugh harder about this than I am three days later.

Life is Funny-

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Baha. Ninja.
I love that word.

Since I'm like a ninja.

Ninja Dictator Gangsta.
Or Gangsta Dictator Ninja.

But I'm a ninja, dictator, and gangsta.

Cause I'm so cool. Fo sho.
