Saturday, May 30, 2009

"clock" versaemerge


setting: park bench
noah's pov
i was sitting on the park bench. nicole was over playing with jojo and i was sitting back. it was one of those days when you just want to sit and zone out. nothing it like sitting on a park bench either watching nicole. thinking how tyler was going to be as big as jojo someday and when that day comes i might bee the one chasing him while nicole gets a break from being a single mom.

i just watched them. running around the playground. jojo in her overalls and her green shirt underneath. her newly braided hair coming loose. she stops pointing over to the swings and nicole smiles running over and helping jojo onto one. she pushed her. explaining how to pump her legs on a swing. nicole gets on one too. pumping as they smile and laugh.

when we were little and we used to come to these same swings- nicole would explain to me that when we were swinging perfectly in time we were married. i remembered saying that was silly. i was never going to get married. and she aksed what if i wanted to have babies. i said i would be a single parent like my mother was. and she said that wouldn't happen. it did. not to me, to her instead it happened. i watched them. jojo laughing and pumping her legs. nicole was too.

i didn't do anything. i just watched them. the way nicole's hair would fly around and how jojo's braids came more undone. it was nice to watch. there was a little boy sitting on a whirly-gig or something watching them. he was quiet and just watching them. poor kid.

the park was so quiet. i looked around me. a woman was walking her dog. an old couple were hugging like they were holding each other up instead of using walkers. a young couple were walking pushing a carriage smiling and talking. then there was nicole and jojo. and then there was this girl.

there were two park benches next to each other. i was on one way to the side. she was sitting way on the other side of the bench beside mine. i just looked at her. she was looking at me looking down and writing something busily. half of her face were taken up by these big plastic sunglasses. they were aviators that mirrored and image of myself back at me. she had short black hair. she had bangs that flipped to the side covering her forehead and the rest of her hair didn't even make it to her shoulders just yet. she had such a skinny face. her jaw and cheekbones were defined. she was so thin. her collar bone stuck out like they were making her skin stretch. she had on dark red lipstick. which i didn't know girls still wore. but she had on a dress. she was lying on the park bench angled so i couldn't look up it- not that i would have, that would be creepy of me. the dress was bright yellow too. almsot neon but it was a softer shade. and she had a grey sweater on over that. her feet were bare and dirty. i just looked her. she looked up again an looked down again.

"what?" i said finally.

she stopped. "what?" she looked at me.

"you were staring at me." i said.

"no," she said. "i was looking at you." i just stared at her. i really had no idea what to say. i just let myself stare at her.

"oh." i said.

"i'm just drawing," she said. "don't worry."

i again didn't know what to say. "oh, um," i said. "okay." i looked forward again. jojo was good at pumping now. she was getting so high. but all i could think about was this girl. "what are you drawing exactly?" i had a good idea but i asked to make sure.

"you," she said simply. likeit wasn't weird at all. so i figured it was okay. i just kept looking forward. i just let her draw. it probably wasn't even weird for her. i was so aware of her suddenly. i watched her out of the corner of my eye. she kept busy. her eyes catching the sun when she looked up. "what's your name?" she asked.

"noah," i said.

"really?" she said. "i've never met a noah before. i didn't think there were any illinois boys named noah."

i shrugged. "my dad's a religion professor at a private boys school and he named me something that was meaningful to him." i said.

"what does noah mean to you?" she asked suddenly. nobody ever asked that to me before.

i paused. thinking about it. "i guess it means i'm meant to be some kind of pillar or something. like i'm supposed to help people." i said.

she looked up at me. "that's a cool name then." she said. "mine's just amanda. i don't know what it means to me. but when i was little to litte kids it just meant i was a man, duh."

i laughed a little looking at her. she was smiling. her lipstick making her lips a soft cresent. she was pretty. "that's a cool name." i said.

"thank you," she said. she looked at her picture again. i could just see the corners of it behind her knees. "i'm done, do you want to see it?"

"the drawing? sure." i said. she got up coming over to me. she sat down next to me handing it to me. i took it and looked at it. my eyes widened. "it looks like a picture." it did. it had everything. just in grey and white. "you're really good."

"thank you," she said smiling. i handed it back to her. she closed her sketch pad and she held it on her lap looking across in the direction of the playground. nicole and jojo were still swinging. jojo was going almost past a-hundred-eighty degrees. it looked liek she was.

"are you from around here?" i asked looking at her.

she looked at me. "yeah," she said. "i just moved here to live with my parents. i used to live with my aunt but i ended up moving back here with my parents anyway. what about you?"

"i've lived here forever." i said. it felt like forever.

she nodded understanding. "thats why i lived with my aunt." she said. "small towns always feel smaller when you've been there too long."

i nodded. "i know," i said.

we just looked at each other. she smiled a little. and looked back to the playground i did too. then she got up. "sorry," she said. "but i have to go."

i nodded. "it was nice meeting you."

"thank you for letting me draw you." she said. "you were a pretty good subjectfor a first-timer. usually people leave and i have to guess the rest of the picture." she held her hand out for me to shake. it was all paint splattered and it had pencil on it too on the finger. i shook it.

"you're welcome." i said. that one touch made my skin crawl.

she walked away over to the park bench. i looked forward at jojo and nicole who were walking over now. "noah," she said. i looked at amanda. "do you have a phone?"

i paused. "yeah," i said.

"me too," she said. she had a backpack now, and walked over taking out a pen. she took my hand. "so if you need a self-portrait or something or maybe if i find out what my name means, we could call each other." she wrote her number down. and then handed me the pen.

"okay," i said smiling a little. i looked for a clean spot on her hand.

"you can write it on my arm." she said. she turned it up for me. she had a tattoo that said 'no lies just love' across her wrist with a black line through it. i wrote my name then my number. she took her arm and pen back.

"cool," she said looking at it. "thanks again noah."

"you're welcome." i said. she walked away again throwing her backpack over her shoulder. i watched her she walked away down the stone walk way. she was still barefoot.

the first thing i thought after looking at her name written across my hand: what the hell just happened?

should i fanfic this story after the rewrites?


"automatic eyes" the academy is...


talent show went amazingly. i spent the whole day saying "thank you" over and over again. at least a hundred times i think. which makes me uber-happy and excited. i watched a morbid-themed movie and red really sad books- but i loved them. i felt really young because when i was little i used to fall asleep where ever i was when i was too tired to move. i fell asleep on my couch at 9 at night for some reason and woke up and felt drunk and stumbled all over my house to bed.

but the story i posted a little tid-bit about is really different. i'll post how they met but i am really changing the girl character and i named them. the boy's pov is noah. i love that name. i'm going to have a baby boy named noah. and the girl's name is switched to amanda. and the original amanda is now nicole. but everything is pretty much the same except for new amanda. she went over a huge makeover. i'm saving the original character of the girl for another story i have about a boy who meets a girl named michelle on a train and they start dating and fall in love and his high school sweetheart comes back and he is still in love with her. it's confusing. basically i have like three untitled works that are so confusing and weird and jumpy all over the place.

here's a fun thing about my writing is: i find images for my characters. make up stories and stuff so i have the bare-bone for it. i make three major events in it mostly nights that are huge or moments that are huge and i just write in between stuff that branch off of it. the characters are interchangeable and i switch them around. two characters i've worked on are the same in two different stories so i need to just pick which story i like better for the character and build off of that.

it's confusing. but my work is basically totally interchangable. i have this one original story i take so many ideas from. bennett (or at least the bennett you know) and caitlyn (ranie's step little sister) are both from it. and i got my penname from the main character of that story too. i have to have talked about. and people like shelly harris (rainie's mortal enemy kind of) is from that. so you see i just pluck out pieces i like from stories i wrote a long time ago or things i wrote forever ago.

but yeah, i'll re-write out how noah and amanda met it's really weird but i like it. the characters fit the way they do in it. also listen to versaemerge. i love that singer. her names sierra kusterbeck. soooooo good.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Yanna" Craig Owens


new story idea: wrote a couple notes for it but it's pretty god i think. yes i used capitals in it, but whatever. can't win everything CAN YOU?

i don't have names for them yet except for amanda who is the boy who tells the story's best friend. just so you know yes: she has a baby. amanda does. not the boy's baby. it's cam walsh's baby. but anyway tah-dah

Setting: First Date at the Drive-in Movie

I leaned in stopping an inch away from her lips. She could move away. Shove me back. She stayed where she was. Sliding her hands into my hair and closing in the space. I closed my eyes kissing her. Her lips were sour because of the sour coated candy she got. And I knew mine must have tasted like chocolate. We both moved away. I smiled. And she smiled back. She leaned in again and kissed me. I kissed her back. I wanted to kiss her more and more but the music to the moviecredits ended and people would leave soon.

If you stayed too long the janitor went around tapping on the window and peaking in. That was creepy. So we moved away eventually. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah," She said.

"What do you want to get?" I asked. I guessed she was vegetarian or sometihng like that. Something that involved her cutting out things that were found everywhere food was sold except for sour covered candy.

She paused. "I'm going to sound like a guy," She said. "How about fast food."

I was a little relieved she didn't want something weird like tofu-guck. I nodded. "That's cool," I said.

The McDonalds a few minutes away was thriving with kids all going in. We got into the drive-thru. She looked at the menu. She looked at me. "I'm having trouble." She said. "My sister said that there are two kinds of guys and they are really distinct and stuff. And if we got to get something to eat what to order to make myself look good to the guy. I have no idea what kind of guy you are. Do you like Mandy Moore or Britney Spears better?"

I stared at her. She was cute. I laughed a little. "Um," I said. "Actually neither. I don't really care about movie stars." She was still stuck. "Order whatever, I'm not going ot freak out at you if you order a salad or a hamburger whatever."

She nodded. "Okay," She said. She was nervous. "I'll get..." We moved up. I was stuck behind a van of jocks. This would take forever now. The car I mean. Not her.

We finally pulled up. I ordered the same thing because I thought it would mak he feel more normal. We both got quarter pounder things. Fries and soda. She got orange soda and I just got coke. We moved up. The kids at the window relieved to be only handing back on bag. I paid even though she offered to pay for hers. I drove to the creek because I knew there wouldn't be people around and people usually make comments about Amanda to me. Plus Cam Walsh was there and I didn't want her to hear that stuff thinking I had a baby with Amanda because that would ruin this completely.

She looked at me. "I'm sorry," She said. "I'm really bad at this."

"At what?" I asked smilign a little.

"Dating." She said. "I've never dated a guy I actually liked and I wasn't nervous until you picked me up and I didn't do anything right."

I laughed a little. "What did you do wrong?" I asked.

"I watched the movie," She said. "I mean the couple parked next to us was having sex! I could hear it and it was annoying me and whenever I looked at you and you were watching the movie and then we barely talked and I didn't know what to order and I'm babbling on and on about what my sister told me about guys and everything and I probably seem like I'm twelve right now anyways."

I smiled as she ticked everything off not looking at me. I smiled shaking my head. I pushed her hair out of the way and looked at her. "Don't worry." I said laughing a little. "I didn't notice half of the things you allegedly did wrong."

She looked at me. "Really?" She said. She turned so she was sitting facing me. "Guys don't even notice stuff like that?"

"No," I said. I stopped. "Well maybe some of them do. But I don't really care about those things." Her shoulders looked like I lifted a boulder off of her shoulders. "Was the couple really next to us...?"

"Yeah," She said. "I figured you had to have heard the banging. The moaning was too much for me."

I laughed and she smiled too. She got her orange soda and moved her hands around it. "I must sound like an alien." She said shaking her head. "I go to this art school and there are like forty kids in my grade."

I reached down letting the seat drop back so it was flat. I moved over so I could sit cross legged. She was wearing one of her skirts and couldn't but she moved over too. I got the food and put it in between us. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," She said.

"I have like three-hundred kids in my grade. There's over a thousand in the whole school." I said. "You must know everyone pretty well."

She nodded. "We just sit there and paint and talk about everything." She said. "You feel really safe there. High school must be scary."

I shrugged. "Not really." I said. "The people are the scary part."

She nodded taking out a french fry and putting it in her mouth. "What are you like in school?" She asked. "Are you popular?"

"No," I said shaking my head. "I have this really good friend named Amanda, but I'm not popular at all."

Her eyes widened a little. "Really?" She said. "I thought you'd be popular or something."
"Nah," I said. "I'm kind of the weird kid. I play music a lot and stuff." I looked at her taking out her cheesburger and taking a bite- a small one. She was still listening ot her sister a little I think. "What about you, what are you like?"

She smiled. "Don't make fun of me," She said. "But I'm sort of popular I guess. I mean I guess popular to you is lots of friends and stuff. But it's really awkward when you break up with someone."

I raised my eyebrows taking a bite out my cheeseburger. "I thought you said you didn't know anything about dating." I said smiling.

She paused. "Dating a kid at my school is so different because all you do is hold hands and stuff while being really good friends and knowing them front and back." She said. "I'm the first girl in my class go on a date with someone outside of the school tonight." I smiled a little sipping my coke listening ot her. She ate a french fry her glossy finger paint looked black in the lack of light. "I mean, no offense. We just met at the park someday when I was being creepy and just drawing you..."

"I think that's pretty cool." I said. "I mean, at least we didn't just meet at a party. It's more unique."

She nodded. "My teacher, Sheryl," She said smiling a lot brighter. "Died when my friend made me tell the class how I met you. She said it was so romantic and cute. She's making me bring in my picture of you on Monday."

I laughed. "So I'm like show and tell?" I said.

She paused shaking her head. "I'm sorry if that's weird." She said. "I didn't mean it like that-"
"It's fine," I said smiling. "I don't think it's weird. It's just different hearing about when I don't know anyone really well except for Amanda."

"Is Amanda you're good friend?" She asked. Changing the subject.

I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "We've been friends since we were little and we just sort of stuck together. We're neighbors and everything too and our parents are really good friends."
She nodded. She was quieter. So I gave my Amanda speech. The one to all the girls I meet. "She's my sister," I said. "Basically." So I changed the subject. "What about your sister? What's she like?"

She shrugged. "She's a little slutty I think." She said. "She has a new boy every week but she came into my room this afternoon and told me everything I needed to do you impress you or whatever."

"Like what?" I asked smiling a little.

"Like what to start conversation with so you wouldn't think I was weird." She said. "So when we were driving I could ask if I could turn on the radio find a song I'd think you'd like and say I loved it. And then you would start talking about it to me and I'd just say really generic things back like I love their first record and whatever. And when we got there I wasn't supposed to pay attention to the movie but I was supposed to look scared at scary parts and cover my eyes a lot. Which I didn't becuase she looked like an idiot when she demonstrated it for me. And if you started doing weird things just let you until I got uncomfortable. And I was supposed to go along with the moves you were supposed to pull. And then the food incident..."

I laughed. "You had a lot to look out for," I said.

She nodded widening her eyes. "She'd shoot me if she heard me say this." She said. "This is a major don't."

"I think it's fine," I said shrugging one shoulder. "I always get nervous about pulling moves and first dates."

"I never got nervous at all." She said looking down eating more french fries. "Until tonight."
"I was a wreck tonight," I said smiling. "I was so nervous. Especially when you didn't answer the door right away. I felt like some old lady was going to come up and say nobody lives here and I would feel so dumb."

"My sister was just giving me a pep-talk." She said smiling a little. "Sorry about that."
I smiled. "It's okay," I said.

"I didn't think you were nervous at all." She said. "At least you knew what you were doing."
I laughed a little. She was cute. I liked her a lot. She was so honest and jut cute. She wasn't trying so much to impress me but trying toact normal around me. I liked her. I looked at her smiling. "So," I said. "I was thinking, if you weren't busy tomorrow maybe we could go out again."

She smiled putting her fries down. "I'd like that." She said.

"I could take you out to dinner at a nicer place than this," I said.

"That'd be cool." She said.

"Do you like diner food?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Never really had it." She said.

I smiled. "Then we're definatly going to this good place I know." I said. "You'll like it I think. A high class fast food place that takes ten times longer than McDonalds though, but it's really good."

She looked at me. "I always thought public school guys were such jerks." She said. She didnt' take it back or apologize. "You're the opposite of what I was scared you'd be like."

"Girl always seem awful to me." I said. "Art school girls are perfect for me." She smiled flushing pink. I saw the shift in her cheek color because of a pair of headlights. I really liked her. She was so cute and nice. Girls aren't so bad.

Monday, May 25, 2009

"authors" versaemerge


i've been busy. soo busy with this huge project so no chapters but talent show this week ;)

i've been so busy with planning for "perfect kisses" no actual writing is being done, but i need to write so badly right now but i can't. chapter tonight? sure if i'm not too busy.

i forgot how much i lvoe the academy is... william beckett is a stud.


Monday, May 18, 2009

"amazing because it is" the almost


"amazing because it is" is such an incredible song. i forgot all about it. sooo good. from my underoath phase. i still love underoath to death but oh god aaron gillespie makes me freak out inside. my sister saw them live and she almost met him. eff her for not liking music like i do. she saw them tomorrow night three years ago basically. i was at a camp and was so mad she was there rocking out to paramore, this providence, and the almost while i was sitting in a cabin with people i'm not friends with anymore.

also new chapters up. 3 of em. haah. and i said i stopped writing. i'm going to try and pull off some sweet microphone tricks and try and tape myself singing and posting it on youtube. oof. i think my voice is getting better now i know what it sounds like.

review my chapters. i hate seeing 0s in my stats pages. i checked my total views on some pages and saw a slump in my views. 3-4 views per day. slack-ers. just kidding. at least you read em.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

"do you feel" the rocket summer


i think the wedding will happen :\
yeah, i'll just go ahead and say sure you can count on it.

jasey ray

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"voices" saosin


wedding.... maybe. on the fence really. i don't know i need to map it out on my little calendar and see if it works but i'm a little worried it won't fit because there's so much that needs to happen. gosh. in such a short period of time. ahhh.

but i'm seeing the academy is... and nevershoutnever this summer on some big tour with boys like girls (my best friend bryan) and some other gay bands. but i'm super happy right now. i got my microphone and recorded some covers last night. only one is on youtube but i'm redoing it and trying to find a way to put myself playing into it so people actually watch it.

so yeah. i've been writing out stuff that sucked in the original stories. like breakups, fights, and adding more and more to it. but it's looking pretty solid. i hit a block but i'm rewriting and rewriting it and trying so hard to make it work so i can get to the good stuff.

but i'm'a going to text some people and see if i can get out of the house. oof. i hate people today i really do.


also: the wedding may/may not happen but then again i'll let you know i'll map it out right now.

"el dorado" craig owens


i've been writing, and i am hoping to go back and change like two things in the last chapter in "perfect kisses" like two words exactly. so it fits you know? because maybe there will be a wedding involved. not rainie or paul but someone else. i had it originally, but then again i may/may not.

but of all things i'm just a'goin' to rock and roll and let it happen. i need to write tomorrow. maybe go for a few hours, but i feel a good music listening party. just blasting some chiodos or academy is... and be happy. (new academy is... record possibly? me and the boardies are sort of on the fence about it but they tweettweettweet about it and how good new songs are)

then again i am writing my depressing story and looking for a title and what not. it comes outs well and i just write and it's all i would want it to be. it's agood feeling ot get all of this off of my chest. i'm having my sitty math teacher inspiring a shitty math teacher in it. and i am so happy to get it out there for me.

but i'm going to go write some notes real fast.


"Obvious" Hey Monday


I have done NO writing this week. AH!
I became obsessed with three female singers. WOW!
I got into the talent show. WOOHOO!
I found a song which was in Rainie's POV! WHAT?
I fond three songs which are in Rainie's POV! WHAT?!?!?!!?!? NO WAY!
I am not productive at all.

But hey atl east I got beast at guitar :]


i'm on a vow of not using capitals in my blogs anymore.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"We Ae Broken" Paramore



My mom works with Bryan Donahue (from Boys Like Girls)'s mother so cross-my-fingers shegoes and we get backstage and I can hunt down William Beckett/Mike Carden from The Academy Is... and freak out. I will be hopefully meeting Craig Owens a few days before the 23 and then this hsow the 25 of July!! Super Happy!

My two heroes down in a three day period!

But! Notes are written and my mind it set. Everything worth revising is revised and everything is ready for me to dive in and write. Drama drama drama. I hope it isn't so dramatic it's cheesy :\

BUT! I gotta sleep. Effin MCAS in da mornin. Eff U MCAS!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Pressure" Paramore


Here's a preview for "Perfect Kisses" (that is the rest of it- in a scrambled up random order)
- a blackout
- a letter
- an ironic "I love you"
- a car accident
- another Sunday Drive show


So here's a preview for "Last Place"
- new character
- better fights
- better character evolution
- totally different reasons
- a lot more Jonah


Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Brighter" Paramore


I'm looking so forward to rewriting "Last Place" because it is going to be so much better. There's going to be so much more life. I ordered a microphone so I'm going to be hopefully recording my voice and my covers once I find a cheap mic-less webcam on Amazon.

I'm pretty happy right now. Minus the fact my sister has Hannah Montana Soundtracks in heavy rotation on her stereo. But I'm really happy lately. I was pretty depressed these past weeks for some reason. I have problems with being depressed. It happens a lot to me where I go under these spells of just feel depressed and down.

But I've been super happy lately.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Misery Business" Paramore


My try-out for the talent show was today and people were syaing all these kind words to me. About how I was one of the best try-outs. But that's not that good because all the bands that tried out sucked- no offense to my ex-boyfriend.

BUT uber-catastrophic changes in "Perfect Kisses" and in "Last Place" it's going to blow your mind off. I'm buying a webcam maybe? and triyng ot see ifit has good enough microphone to capture my voice and I'll start covering some jams becuase my camera sucks and I sounds sooo bad on it.

Nobody dies. Yuo don't hate anyone. It's all just big ol' changes that will rip your face off and glue it back on. It's going ot be good.


Monday, May 4, 2009

"Toasted Skin" The Academy Is...


I caught a cold from the lead singer of Sing it Loud.
I hope its swin flu.

Jasey Ray

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"A Safe Bet" The Morning Light


I went to an amazing convert today. The Morning Light (sooo good but I was the only one who loved them live), Artist vs. Poet, and Sing it Loud. And I have a cool story.

Setting: McDonalds across street from club.

Me: [In line wating for friend and sister to get snack wraps. Look over and sees man next to her. Turns bright red and looks forward pretending she didn't recognize him.]
Bobby: [To me] Are you in line?
Me: [To Bobby] No... are you Bobby from The Morning Light?
Bobby: [Smiles] Yeah!
Me: Oh, I love your music!
Bobby: Are you coming to the show?
Me: Yeah, hopfully... we didn't by tickets ahead of time so we're gettign hem at the door if they don't sell out.
Bobby: I hope they don't sell out.
Me: Me neither.
Bobby: [Orders food]
Me: [Friend and sister spaz out at how I sniped him out of the crowd. I continue to fangirl with his back to me- which involves making silent screaing faces and sinking ot the floor and staring at his back.]
Bobby: [Goes and gets like a pound of ketchup]
Me: [Friend and I get camera and I approach him and ask him for a picture.]
[We take picture and I feel like the fucking shit.]

I've loved the Morning Light for a year and I met the lead singer in McDonalds. I felt so cool becuase usually I freeze up and pull a fangirl to their face or what I di dto Anthony Green and didn't say anything except one worded answers in a high-pitched voice.

I'm so proud of myself. I even got to the front for The Morning Light's set. So stoked. My day was awesome.

Special Little Know-what: The club Rainie and Paul went to in Natick before they fall asleep and Rainie gets grounded is the club I went to for this show. It's my favorite venue and I've seen some of my favorie live bands there. So I described the upstairs where I've been to two shows at.

So I have to go do homework and rock out to The Morning Light.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"I Will Follow You into the Dark" Death Cab For Cutie


I AM SO EXCITED NOW BECASUE!!!! I have something to work towards in "Perfect Kisses" that will blow you mind away and will set your heads on fire. I swear. And you'll hate me for t but it's so exciting. It doesn't involve death but it involves other things! Exciting things! Things that will cause Hawaii to sink!

Sooo... I hope you like it. It's going to be incredible. It really is.

I have nothing ot say except: sometimes I hear words and they don't sound english. They sound in a ocmpletely other language and it's weird. I went to a high school play this night here and I didn't understand have the tihngs people said. But my voice sounded so good today to me. I hope it keeps sounding like this.

I'm going t start writing my own music. And I hope people like it.
I might do open mic nights at a CD store. That'd be fun.

Jasey Ray.

Hint: You will hate someone by the end of "Perfect Kisses"

Friday, May 1, 2009

"February Air" Lights


I am bored.

Setting: An Interview with 4/5 of the band "Red Letter Day

I met with four member of the new emo kings of this music scene, Red Letter Day: Lead guitarist - Jonah O'Callaghn, Rhythem guitarist - Paul Spinella, Drummer - Aaron Knight, and lead singer - Benett Williams. We talked about their new record coming out this March, Sunday Drive, and anything you'd expect in an interview at People Magazine even if the conversation wasn't steered that way.

Can you introduce yourself and say what instruments you play for the band?
O'Callaghn: Hi, I'm Jonah and I play guitar.
Williams: I'm Bennett I sing.
Knight: I'm the second singer and I hit drums in my spare time.
O'Callaghn: That's cool what's you name?
Knight: [Group Laughs] I'm Aaron, too.
O'Callaghn: In his spare time also.
Spinella: I'm Paul and I play guitar too.

No bassist?
Knight: He's sleeping actually. He was puking all last night, he has the flu so we decided to let him sleep so he didn't throw up all over your nice microphones and shit... can I say shit?
Knight: Really? Sweet.

You have a new record coming out?
Williams: Yes. We do, on March 20th we just found out. So mark your calanders and buy a copy the day it comes out.
Spinella: Really the 20th? One day and it'd be the 19th.
What's the 19th?
Spinella: In high school we were really into a band Sunday Drive and they broke up our senior year and went to their last show ever and it was on the 19th of March.
That's pretty cool.
Knight: I don't like Sunday Drive. Can I say that?
O'Callaghn: Aaron's the only one who doesn't.

Are they really big influence of your sound?
Williams: Well I used ot be in a really emo acoustic project, but when Paul and I started writing it was mor going towardshardcore music, which we didn't want to sound like. And my original emo acoustic stuff was really influenced by them, and we ended up using one of my old songs as our first and that sort of paved the way for our sound now. Which I guess means Yes. Our earlier stuff definatly, and for this record we really went back to those records that we listened to a lot in high school.
Spinella: We didn't try and sound like we did, it jsut happened. We just went back to our old influences and molded it with our newer sound and it turned into our new record. I mean we don't want to make he same records all the time and this one I'm really excited about becuase it's something I know I'd have liked in high school and something we all would have.

What was that first song you did called?
Williams: It didn't really have a name. I mean we just called it "Elisa's song" because I met this girl and I wrote her a song to you know [air quotes] "win her over" and we ended up using that song as ours. But you probably can't find a studio recording of it, but I recently went back an played, well, there were three songs I wrote to that one girl and I played them all together one night so there are YouTube videos definatly but not of the full song.

Will you release those songs again?
Williams: Maybe, I mean those songs are really personal and after I performed those three songs there was a lot of drama from our fans towards my fiance and me on like the message boards, so I'm sort of nevous about letting them out.
O'Callaghn: Just for the record it's the first time he publicly referred to his fiance.
Williams: [Sighs] Anyone who reads this: Yes, I am engaged.
Knight: ...get over it.
[O'Callaghn and Knight laugh]
Why did it cause drama if the songs were about just a girl in high school?
Williams: Actually the girl the songs are about is my fiance. So a lot of fans were freaking out and being creepy and posting pictures of me and her after I performed those songs. And they made up rumors and all of this stuff. It was a mess.

What are the songs on this record about versus the last one?
Williams: I tried less to write about my personal life so I started writing about other members of the band's lives so it wasn't a "My personal life story" record and so people don't know who's stroy it is and who's it isn't. You can think what you think, but it isn't about me or my fiance so much as it is Jonah and Aaron and Paul or our new bassist James.

Is there a general theme of the songs?
O'Callaghn: Girl Problems.
[Group Laughs] Williams: It was easier to write about girl problems because there was so many stories and bad experiences to write about.
Knight: Plus he tends to write cheesy songs about [his fiance] that are so happy and lovey it kind of kills the "emo band" stereotype for us. So he wrote about awful relationships that are mostly ours.
So there isn't any songs about your life that are bad, which means all the happy love songs are about you?
Williams: No, actually on the new record there's one I wrote about liking a girl who was still n love with somone else which was the last bad relationship I was ever in. But it was told from someone in the band' point-of-view. So it's not directly about me, but it's about the guy whose still in love with this girl thinking she's in love with this kid who probably loves her back.
Spinella: [Mumbles] She's going to be happy you mentioned her.
Spinella: The song is basically about me and my wife Rainie in high school when we broke up.

Another high-school sweetheart turned wife?
Spinella: Yeah.
Knight: Everyone had a crush on her in high school. Spinella sniped her when he could.

So they aren't about directly recent relationships?
Williams: No, actually a lot I wrote has been in the past few years.
O'Callaghn: Before any of us decided to get married or anything.
Williams: [Laughs] Exaclty.

Are you excited to be on the current tour?
Williams: We love touring, we love our fans, but now it's hard because me and Paul are startign families and we are keeping our dreams too. And this tour is hard becuase we're going to be on the road for like six months becuase we're branching off and doing a tour right after so we're only home for like a night in that. But we've never been happier. We're playing smaller venues and getting to see more fans and more people and more cities. It's like we're going back to the beginning. We've never been happier I think lately. I mean we're older but the road has mad us ten years older but it's like going back and getting that same old rush playing songs we werne't good enough at playing to write but we love and would have loved back. It's basically going back to our roots. And we're playing the same venues and tours like our favorite bands like Sunday Drive did when we were that young. So we're the Sunday Drive for a whole new generation that didn't get to see them.

Do your families tour with you?
Spinella: No, I have a daughter and I don't want her to grow up on a bus.
Knight: Paul's getting a jump on life.
Spinella: [Rolls eyes] My wife's going to be so happy I talked about her.
[Group Laughs]

Is there anything you'd like to say to anyone?
O'Callaghn: Hi Rainie! Hi Elisa!
Knight: Buy our record! I need money to buy food, I'm an actual starving musician.
Williams: Yeah, buy our record and listen to it. Like it hopefully and come to our shows, we are selling merch and hanging out so you can come meet us and stuff and talk to us. But I hope you like the record.
O'Callaghn: Bye, we love you all!