Monday, May 18, 2009

"amazing because it is" the almost


"amazing because it is" is such an incredible song. i forgot all about it. sooo good. from my underoath phase. i still love underoath to death but oh god aaron gillespie makes me freak out inside. my sister saw them live and she almost met him. eff her for not liking music like i do. she saw them tomorrow night three years ago basically. i was at a camp and was so mad she was there rocking out to paramore, this providence, and the almost while i was sitting in a cabin with people i'm not friends with anymore.

also new chapters up. 3 of em. haah. and i said i stopped writing. i'm going to try and pull off some sweet microphone tricks and try and tape myself singing and posting it on youtube. oof. i think my voice is getting better now i know what it sounds like.

review my chapters. i hate seeing 0s in my stats pages. i checked my total views on some pages and saw a slump in my views. 3-4 views per day. slack-ers. just kidding. at least you read em.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

that's my street name.

don't stalk me.
well, you can. if you want to. xD

idk how many gillespie streets there are in texas.

just ... you know.
yeah. XD

do whatever you like.

awhh, i love camp.

i went to camp in grade 5.
and it was so fun.

except when we first got there. it was raining. we couldn't find our cabin. so we hid out in the girls bathroom. even had to eat lunch there. (which was... fun.)

and then. there was a thunderstorm one night. i couldn't sleep.

did you know i hate thunderstorms? x)

whoaa. you're sister is lucky. i wish my sister was that cool. listen to the same music at me. lmao.

behaha. ;3

lmao. sweet microphone tricks?
sounds fun. haha.

i seriously. cannot wait to you hear you sing. you sound really excited and stuff. and i'm pretty sure you're amaazingg.

and they were like
really long
and random

or the last one.

i tend to that alot.