Sunday, May 3, 2009

"A Safe Bet" The Morning Light


I went to an amazing convert today. The Morning Light (sooo good but I was the only one who loved them live), Artist vs. Poet, and Sing it Loud. And I have a cool story.

Setting: McDonalds across street from club.

Me: [In line wating for friend and sister to get snack wraps. Look over and sees man next to her. Turns bright red and looks forward pretending she didn't recognize him.]
Bobby: [To me] Are you in line?
Me: [To Bobby] No... are you Bobby from The Morning Light?
Bobby: [Smiles] Yeah!
Me: Oh, I love your music!
Bobby: Are you coming to the show?
Me: Yeah, hopfully... we didn't by tickets ahead of time so we're gettign hem at the door if they don't sell out.
Bobby: I hope they don't sell out.
Me: Me neither.
Bobby: [Orders food]
Me: [Friend and sister spaz out at how I sniped him out of the crowd. I continue to fangirl with his back to me- which involves making silent screaing faces and sinking ot the floor and staring at his back.]
Bobby: [Goes and gets like a pound of ketchup]
Me: [Friend and I get camera and I approach him and ask him for a picture.]
[We take picture and I feel like the fucking shit.]

I've loved the Morning Light for a year and I met the lead singer in McDonalds. I felt so cool becuase usually I freeze up and pull a fangirl to their face or what I di dto Anthony Green and didn't say anything except one worded answers in a high-pitched voice.

I'm so proud of myself. I even got to the front for The Morning Light's set. So stoked. My day was awesome.

Special Little Know-what: The club Rainie and Paul went to in Natick before they fall asleep and Rainie gets grounded is the club I went to for this show. It's my favorite venue and I've seen some of my favorie live bands there. So I described the upstairs where I've been to two shows at.

So I have to go do homework and rock out to The Morning Light.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

lololll. That must be awesome.
If I ever saw someone famous at like McDonald's, I would just stare at them and scream mentally. And stare. Baha and then start talking about it and get all high later. XD

lmfao, but you seem calmish. x)

but that's cool. haha. i never been to a concert or show or whatever. or to a signing [i was close to meeting nevershoutnever at the mall but i chickened out. lmao].

i wanna go to one though. but i need to find a friend to go with. but like. they don't even know the bands i listen to.

i ask them what's they're favorite song and they answer and ask for mine.

and they're like, "never even heard of the band."

and yeah. haha, i'll probably just drag my sister with me.

anyways, that's cool how you got the little club based of your club that you went to. haha.

so erm, yup. have fun doing homework and all that shizz.