Monday, November 16, 2009

update: on everything


so i haven't updated in a few weeks. and i'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things. i spend most of my free time in school writing notes for another writing project and i spend my writing time outside of school revising it.

there are times when i wish i could just go back to those months in december and november last year when i would crank out three chapters a night with the writing ability i have now but it's getting harder and harder to get into character. there's so much i still have in store for you guys and i don't know how i'm going to get past it all and post something for you. i feel awful and it's getting harder and harder.

i'm thinking there is a time and place in my life for these stories and i'm scared they've begun to pass. my recent stories are very different from what you all know and have come to like. "last place" and "perfect kisses" mean so much to me, but growing as a writer and a reader, they just don't satisfy me enough.

i've outgrown stories before. "alex", "the prince of heart", and "rain clouds clear skies" were all my life at one point and my obsession but now i'm seeing a change in my taste and in my writing. i will continue writing for "last place" and "perfect kisses" and i'd like to share my latest project with you, but there's a time for everything. and time stops for no one.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

I remember December and November. When I first read your stories. You were like bam! Bam! But that's okay if you're busy and stuff now. Or if you feel like their getting old and you want to write something else. I mean, you already pretty much finished the stories. You're just rewriting it now. But yeah, whatever you do, you do. Don't mind us. Its better for you to enjoy writing then being forced too. :)

I hope this is what you were talking about. I always had problem with interpreting what people say. ._.