Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So Happy Holidays everyone!

I'm here to say you might have a belated gift. I'm working on "All We Ever Needed" again. And suspending "Last Place" and "Perfect Kisses." For the time being. I'm thinking of starting up another writing project but it doesn't look like it's coming together as a cheesy love story and I don't think it fits my story writing themes under this name.

Oh well. I'm working on it.

I miss you all and I'm going to have it up soon. I keep talking about it, but I don't know what I'm doing really. It's hard getting back into something you haven't done in a while but I've found out I forgot where I was going where I last left off with it. I'm not going to say my writing will be up to par but it will be me trying to get back into it.

So happy holidays and I'll get back to writing. I have to say I have typos less often now. Which is awesome! Woo!

Happy happy happy happy holidayssss!


Between You And I said...

Happy Holidays! So I'm glad that you are getting back into the swing of things. It's understandable that it's hard to dive back into it but I'm sure your writing will still be amazing. I can't wait to read what you get out. All We Ever Needed was seriously my favorite one that you had going so it's like a Christmas gift to hear that you're starting it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

never-explore said...

Happy Holidays to you too. :)
And I have read your little belated gift. It was amazing. Can't wait for more. But I'm sad that Last Place and Perfect Kisses is on hiatus. Hope it won't be forever.

And psh Jasey Ray, any story you write is good enough to read. Probably good for me (and others like me) to read something that doesn't involve cheesy lovers.

Anndd (I say And too much, gah) take as much time as you want adjusting back to writing and stuff. Post whatever. I'm pretty sure any of us would careless if you post some nonsense jibber-jabber. I personally like anything you post. Haha.