Thursday, December 3, 2009

"island" the starting line


i'm writing in paul's pov lately. i'm working on "perfect kisses" and what not. BUT i saw this kid who is the new image of both paul and my character lace in my new story today twice. once on my way to math and then on my walk home DRIVING IN THE LANDCRUISER THAT INSPIRED MY WRITING PIECE ABOUT LACE!

so ironic. had to share.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Ooh, I have been missing some Perfect Kisses action. Glad to know you're still working on it! :)

And haha, I love when you imagine this person in your head and they like ... just pop out and you're like. O:

Or well, characters from books... and stories. That's more of me. I don't imagine people alot. Aha.

I read "Before I Die". All in one day. Or one night and one day. Sooo god. I almost cried at the end. And the ending was perfect too... I mean Tessa dying wasn't like cool but how all the words and everything just tie together and create a perfect ending/death. Like its just not... "I SAW THE LIGHT. OH FUCK I'M DEAD. the end."

You know? Yeah. Anyways.
I'm reading that book by David Levithan. I'm on the first story... Starbucks boy? Good so far. :D

I also have 'Slam' and 'I am the Messenger' on my to-read shelf. I think I can read them all before they're due on the 21st (my birthdayy! :D).

All seem such good books. I love reading books you suggest to me. I go straight to the holds shelf and pick up the books. I never go around and browse. Hah.