Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Miracle of 86.

It was just complete chance. Emily went to that party unsuspecting and unaware. She went with some of her best friends and somehow she ended up alone. Not alone exactly, but completely without them. She was stuck with the only person she kind-of knew who was nobody else than this kid Nick who her friend thought was the coolest kid ever.

She thought Nick was cute. He was hilarious. It was a bad habit to go through every possibility that she might date every guy she talked to, but what if she meets the right guy? And so her bad habit pays off. Nick introduces her to Lace. She doesn't know what to make of it... somehow he just seemed different. She doesn't want to get cheesey but it was love at first site.

All it took was a few hours and all of a sudden she feels like she has everything figured out, but there's a lot more things down the road she never expected. There's the fact Lace doesn't tell her enough. There's the fact that he basically lives at his friend Nick's house. Nick was the biggest problem. She never got Nick and Lace. But somehow she finds out true love hits you out of nowhere. And once it happens, the conflicts have to be dealt with afterwards... right?

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1 comment:

never-explore said...

Okay, I'll be honest and say that I am insanely confused with this summary/preview. So Emily went to a party and met Nick?

And Lace? Who's Lace? Is Lace a girl?
She fell (Emily) in love with Nick?
And Lace doesn't tell her what enough?
Who basically lives at Nick's house?

Sorry it this sounds rude. But yeah, I'm confused. It sounds like a good story though. I'm just... confused. :S

Also the sentence you spelled "love at first site" instead of "love of first sight." :P