Wednesday, January 27, 2010



So. I've been so bizznizzle (busy) lately. BUT good news and bad.

1.) Working on "Miracle" and thinking up some Lace and Nick POVs
2.) Will post something this weekend
3.) Started a new writing project - will not be on FanFic but it #4 on my list
4.) I've become and eBay fanatic

So, I'm going to go read me some Charles Dickens. Freshman English is a breeze for me. Got a 94 on a midyear that made a girl cry. I own every reading group. My secret? I'm literate. I write in my spare time. This is proof that when you write and read you will be good in school. All the smart kids need to figure that out. Don't diss reading. It'll save your life.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Yesss, I love me some boy POVS. And posting weekends. And new witting projects. And eBay? I never bought anything from eBay. But I've seen lots of cool stuff. I guess?

Congrats on the 94! I did pretty good on all my midterms too. Except for Algebra. I got an 87. I don't like Bs. Bs are BS. I have high expectations for myself. And I'm guessing you do too? (Or just in english?)

I don't write at school. But I read (hey, hey I finished I am the Messenger today). I don't really think it helps me be smarter though? Unless its like textbooks. Haha... WAIT. Writing helps me. When I write notes.. aha. Aha. Aha.

I'm nerdy.
But that doesn't mean I enjoy it.