Thursday, June 24, 2010

"All We Ever Needed"

Has. Been. Updated. WTF?!?!?!

So, when I posted "Expect the unexpected" I guess I subconciously was speaking to myself. I have huge-r plans popping out. (Oh god, I keep making all of these weird personifications that sound like I'm talking about pimples and popping them. It's creepy.)

Read up and review please. A reviewer recently changed my whole outlook on my life as a secret online een-fiction writer. In fact she changed a lot of things for me. So if you caught my drift: I went back five chapters in "Perfect Kisses" and started rewriting. I realized you guys may have not gotten an alert (I have no idea how alerts work :\ ).

But all of a sudden words are pouring out of me. I'm exhausted and I have work tomorrow, but I'll write until my cat passes out. Then we'll go to bed.

Jasey Ray

1 comment:

Between You And I said...

holyshoot. this is exciting! -high five- i think i love you for this :) this one is my favorite-est story ever and i was so worried that it would be be updated again!