Monday, August 23, 2010

Update for those who are listening.

I plan on returning to FanFiction in September.

That gives me a week to figure out what project I'm going to go with and what one I'm going to let simmer and grow a little. Which leads me to phase two of this update.

I have two story ideas all hashed out in my head ready to go to real paper and then to virtual paper and then to FanFiction. I started really laying out my stories and planning them all out in a notebook again. It's pretty old school but it's all in there. Now I just need to get it moving.

The titled story is from a girl's POV and definitely going under a Sarah Dessen catagory.

The other is untitled, but I'm really excited about it right now. It may or may not leave my homey little Sarah Dessen catagory. It depends on what POV I'm picking. I'm leaning towards multi-POV but I really like the male lead's perspective.

If anyone is reading this, I'd love to run the two summaries by you and you can give me some feedback. Drop a comment down here- anyone can comment, FYI- and leave your FanFiction Penname or if not I can just post them on here.

I miss you guys and my life a secret online teen fiction-ist. My life is boring without it.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"New Slang" The Shins


I had a nice little creative vacation. I won't bog you down with details, because I figure I'm just talking to myself. But if someone is reading this, here's my little speil. I'm still building up a whole new story. I want to work out all of the kinks before I start writing and posting. I won't even give you a snippit or anything. Just know I am working, not just sitting around finger-plucking my guitar and watching movies.

I hope you guys stuck around.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Smarter" Eisley


I have no idea why I keep updating this blog. It's a little silly. I have nothing interesting to post. I literally am changing direction every other day. One day I decide to continue an unfinished rewrite, the next I delete another story and start to work on a rewrite for that. I want to slap myself with a tuna! I'm that frustrated!

I'm not serious, though. I guess you have to laugh at yourself sometimes. I'm going to paraphrase a movie. Sometimes we cry, but in the meantime we laugh. (I just remembered that that was from "Garden State" - movie/music/book plug #1). So tonight I'm laughing.

I've never been so lost. (I unintentionally playgerized (sp?)Something Corporate's "I Woke up in a Car" - plug #2). I literally had no idea where to go. But I'm signing off for a little while on this blog, I literally sound like a broken record. If you want a blog update, just go back a few entries and read my so-called Game Plans.

But I will not be long. For once I'm excited.

Final plug: Listen to "Smarter" by Eisley. Take note that it's been on repeat for me for roughly four hours- it's only live on YouTube.

No promises,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"I'm Yours Tonight" The Academy Is...


So I don't know where all my old readers went. I posted a new chapter- absolutely no reviews on it. My new ones don't review much. I got my first review in weeks from a new reader. It meant so much to me.

Maybe I'll never surpass "Last Place"/"Perfect Kisses"
I just feel bad that "Perfect Kisses" will go on unfinished. From what I've collected- personally or on here and stats-wise it's everyone's favorite.

But I will in no way give up.

I am potentially seeing The Academy Is... this weekend. Those of you who know "Last Place" very well will know how deeply it is inspired by TAI. I literally started writing it while listening to their records. It's strange how this is turning out. I still love them, I just grew up a little.

I'm all talk and no game.
I apologize.
I'm just so lost in my writing.

Jasey Ray

Monday, August 2, 2010



I updated "All We Ever Needed"