Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Smarter" Eisley


I have no idea why I keep updating this blog. It's a little silly. I have nothing interesting to post. I literally am changing direction every other day. One day I decide to continue an unfinished rewrite, the next I delete another story and start to work on a rewrite for that. I want to slap myself with a tuna! I'm that frustrated!

I'm not serious, though. I guess you have to laugh at yourself sometimes. I'm going to paraphrase a movie. Sometimes we cry, but in the meantime we laugh. (I just remembered that that was from "Garden State" - movie/music/book plug #1). So tonight I'm laughing.

I've never been so lost. (I unintentionally playgerized (sp?)Something Corporate's "I Woke up in a Car" - plug #2). I literally had no idea where to go. But I'm signing off for a little while on this blog, I literally sound like a broken record. If you want a blog update, just go back a few entries and read my so-called Game Plans.

But I will not be long. For once I'm excited.

Final plug: Listen to "Smarter" by Eisley. Take note that it's been on repeat for me for roughly four hours- it's only live on YouTube.

No promises,

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