Saturday, May 30, 2009

"automatic eyes" the academy is...


talent show went amazingly. i spent the whole day saying "thank you" over and over again. at least a hundred times i think. which makes me uber-happy and excited. i watched a morbid-themed movie and red really sad books- but i loved them. i felt really young because when i was little i used to fall asleep where ever i was when i was too tired to move. i fell asleep on my couch at 9 at night for some reason and woke up and felt drunk and stumbled all over my house to bed.

but the story i posted a little tid-bit about is really different. i'll post how they met but i am really changing the girl character and i named them. the boy's pov is noah. i love that name. i'm going to have a baby boy named noah. and the girl's name is switched to amanda. and the original amanda is now nicole. but everything is pretty much the same except for new amanda. she went over a huge makeover. i'm saving the original character of the girl for another story i have about a boy who meets a girl named michelle on a train and they start dating and fall in love and his high school sweetheart comes back and he is still in love with her. it's confusing. basically i have like three untitled works that are so confusing and weird and jumpy all over the place.

here's a fun thing about my writing is: i find images for my characters. make up stories and stuff so i have the bare-bone for it. i make three major events in it mostly nights that are huge or moments that are huge and i just write in between stuff that branch off of it. the characters are interchangeable and i switch them around. two characters i've worked on are the same in two different stories so i need to just pick which story i like better for the character and build off of that.

it's confusing. but my work is basically totally interchangable. i have this one original story i take so many ideas from. bennett (or at least the bennett you know) and caitlyn (ranie's step little sister) are both from it. and i got my penname from the main character of that story too. i have to have talked about. and people like shelly harris (rainie's mortal enemy kind of) is from that. so you see i just pluck out pieces i like from stories i wrote a long time ago or things i wrote forever ago.

but yeah, i'll re-write out how noah and amanda met it's really weird but i like it. the characters fit the way they do in it. also listen to versaemerge. i love that singer. her names sierra kusterbeck. soooooo good.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

omgg. the talent show
okay like, i went to like my school's on friday. AND THERE WAS THIS GIRL AND SHE WAS AMAZING.

she won last year. lmfao. but geezjus. she was freaking amazing and i was like screaming. loll, on facebook. i like wrote "I LOVE JESSIE" as my status and this guy was like, "shes in my theater class, i could get an autograph for you" and i was like, "GETMEMEMEMEMEMEM."

but yeah, she was cool. she sung. and play her guitar. no idea what song she sung but whatever it was still good.

but im gladd that you were awesomee. cause im sure you were awesomee. i wish i was there. baha. i'll be screaming for you too. (:

haha, i was like putting all this makeup shit on my sister and then when she was washing it off. i was in the closet, like. just sleeping. cause i was so bored and not ... active. i was just like dead. lol. and my sisters comes and lays next to me and then my mom comes in and we both scream cause like, wtf we're sleeping and shes like, "ROOARR GO EAT."

yeah, and then i go out and my mom's friends are there and they try to guess which one of us is the oldest. and of course they think my sister is older cause shes taller.

which is so not good way of judging someone's age.

NOAH IS SUCH A PRETTY NAMMEEE. i like noah hahaa. noah fits.

yeah, i like noah. pretty namee. haha yeah. i like the other names. woo.

lmfao. for some reason. everything after, " but everything is pretty much the same except for new amanda" it gets all confusing.

but i'm just gonna pretend i know what you're talking about and nod.

i am nodding.

okay, lmfao. well. i hope you post the other stories?

you writing is like cool. lol. yeah, i wanna write. or something. do like a movie script since i cant write detail that well. baha. or forum roleplay with my friends online. which no matter how weird it sounds, its really fun.

hahaaa, one day we like rp'ed a sex party. lololl. yeah, weird stuff. not something a thirteen year old would do everyday. XD

haha yeah. i'm weird.
and special.

don't forget special!

anyways. i'm listening to versaemerge now. yay!