Thursday, May 14, 2009

"el dorado" craig owens


i've been writing, and i am hoping to go back and change like two things in the last chapter in "perfect kisses" like two words exactly. so it fits you know? because maybe there will be a wedding involved. not rainie or paul but someone else. i had it originally, but then again i may/may not.

but of all things i'm just a'goin' to rock and roll and let it happen. i need to write tomorrow. maybe go for a few hours, but i feel a good music listening party. just blasting some chiodos or academy is... and be happy. (new academy is... record possibly? me and the boardies are sort of on the fence about it but they tweettweettweet about it and how good new songs are)

then again i am writing my depressing story and looking for a title and what not. it comes outs well and i just write and it's all i would want it to be. it's agood feeling ot get all of this off of my chest. i'm having my sitty math teacher inspiring a shitty math teacher in it. and i am so happy to get it out there for me.

but i'm going to go write some notes real fast.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

i wonder who. i bet its gonna be awesome. likelike, are rainie&paul gonna attend TOGETHER? O:

lmao, that'll be like cool.

i love your writing.

pff, duh.

new academy songs? O:
lmfao, whatever. I'LL LISTEN TO THEM LATER.

well, if i can find them or wahtever you knowww.

depressing story still on?

i cant wait to read it.

i love my math teacher. she's so nice. but she probably doesnt even know my name. lololl. i'm too quiet. xP

soo. yup.
cant wait to read more stuff from you.