Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Misery Business" Paramore


My try-out for the talent show was today and people were syaing all these kind words to me. About how I was one of the best try-outs. But that's not that good because all the bands that tried out sucked- no offense to my ex-boyfriend.

BUT uber-catastrophic changes in "Perfect Kisses" and in "Last Place" it's going to blow your mind off. I'm buying a webcam maybe? and triyng ot see ifit has good enough microphone to capture my voice and I'll start covering some jams becuase my camera sucks and I sounds sooo bad on it.

Nobody dies. Yuo don't hate anyone. It's all just big ol' changes that will rip your face off and glue it back on. It's going ot be good.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Well, you're still one of the best!
Haha, there are also talent show stuff this week at my school. I think just the sign ups are posted and stuff. But like, everyone is just like freaking out about it. But I'm just gonna watch whoever's performing for like a dollar. lol.

And geezjus. You getting all woo about the big changes in Perfect Kisses and Last Place is scaring me. Lololl. But seriously, I. Am. Scared.

Butbut, I mean like. Its not gonna change EVERYTHING is it? Cause like, I'd still like to read the originals. [:

Anyway. I can't wait to hear/see you sing. Bet you're amazing.

Oh and btww. I got my Ace Enders CD in the mail yesterday. I love it so much.