Sunday, December 20, 2009

And so it's the new year.

I met my hero this weekend and was a crying sobbing mess when I did. Ironically it was the lead singer of the band that inspired the fictional emo-darlings Sunday Drive. It changed my life. I feel reborn.

I started writing "All We Ever Needed" for you guys. It's slow and painful and jumpy but I'm trying to get Will's voice back. I forgot everyone's names too. Oof.

I don't know if you guys feel like this but this FanFiction girl hasn't posted anything in a while and I wanna shake her to death. She needs to update! I need to find out if this girl and guy are getting together in her story! Ah!


never-explore said...

You're lucky. I'm glad you met your hero. Or like happy for you? Glad sounds wrong. Just... Good for you that you met him! That sounds wrong too. :S

Haha well I'm just trying to say I am veryyy happy for you. :)

And yay! All We Ever Needed! Can't wait to read some. I hope you don't hurt yourself trying to write it though. Cause that wouldn't be good...

But yeah. Write. Write. Keep being awesome. Don't hurt yourself.

And hah. I know exactly how you feel. ;)
Except I wouldn't want to shake her to death. Cause then I would just ruin everything because she won't be able to write. Harr. :D

never-explore said...

P.S. Dunno if i told you this but I listened to Two Tongues, they are veryy good. I'm hoping they'll release more albums/songs soon. :D

And! I downloaded two Brand New albums and the holiday EP! Woo! This girl I met through Mystery Google (I was bored... told people to add me on MSN. haha) sent me tons of Brand New songs. I was excited.

I also downloaded stuff from the Spill Canvas and Straylight Run. You heard of them? :DD

And I'm also reading the books you suggested. I finished Before I Die like a couple weeks ago and now I'm reading the book by David Letifdfdgrsk the one with the magnet on the cover... too lazy to find out the title. And I also have Slam and I am the Messenger on my shelf of books to read. They were supposed to be due today but neh. Ima renew them. >:D

Also, its my birthday. O:
I'd just like to say that... which also reminds me. I think it been a little over a year since I first read your stories! I remember I read Perfect Kisses all in one day... I forgot but was it around 80 chapters? Or was it 50? Probably was 50. My memory is junked. :S