Thursday, December 10, 2009

pov/setting?: a secret

He was so close to me. He was right there. There was a balance know. I knew my place. I was in the middle. There was a tug inside of me in two directions. There wasn't a direction per person, because I knew it wasn't that simple. What did I want? What did I always want? I knew that deep down. I knew he was always there. I swallowed and felt his breath on my lip. I moved my hand up into his hair.

I could see the image of what I had headed towards. What had been either chosen for or by me. I didn't know, but now there was no knowing what to do. I was helpless. I inched back a little, but in the end I gave in. Our lips met.

Perfection was embodied.

Now. It wasn't too late. I felt breath disappear inside of me and I pulled away. Our lips had barely been touching in the first place. I moved my hands to his face cradling it. He was so perfect for me. I dropped my hands and dropped my head to his shoulder. I didn't believe I was letting myself lose him. But now there was the decision to be made.

"I can't," I whispered.

His arms encircled me. "This hurts so much," I whispered.

"I know," He answered.

"We can't," I said. He squeezed me. I felt warm in his arms. I felt the word heavy in the air. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. Stop. Now. Take it back. Take it back. Take it back. You ruined everything. I hated myself with all of my heart. I could never forgive myself for this. He kissed my forehead and we moved apart.

He got up slowly and started to walk out like he said he would. I swallowed and looked at him. "I love you," I said. "I always will, it's just..."

He turned and looked at me. "We could have made it," He said. "I think so. I never thought I'd say that, but we could have."

I stared at him. He smiled weakly. "You look beautiful tonight," He said. I froze and stared at him. My heart started racing. I could hear it reverberate in my head. He smiled weaker and then turned and left. I was in shock. My eyes welled up with tears. Now. Now. Now. Don't let this go.

I got up. I ran and called out his name.

There was no answer. Not even an echo.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Whoaaa! Okay. Um, I keep thinking this is like a Rainie/Bennett/Paul thing. Or a Elisa/Bennett/Dave...Nathan thing. Bah! lol.

So confusing and now I'm aching to find out what the POV/setting is. Jesus christ Jasey!

But the writing and stuff was sha-mazing. Breathtaking. Moreee, I miss your writing!