Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Anywhere with You" Saves the Day

Are you prepared for this?

I sat down next to her and she kept her eyes closed. I did the same and the music filled me. I felt her presence next to me and I just felt happy. It didn't matter if I was still alone, this hope was false and she loved Nathan but I couldn't stop myself anymore. I just stayed where I was. I listened to the album and fell into it. The guitar the voice, it all swallowed me whole. I opeend my eyes at the last song and looked at her.

She smiled weakly. Her soft gorgeous smile. Her eyes were blue tonight and she just looked at me softly. I tried to breath but it wasn't going to work. I couldn't get in oxygen without hypervenolating. The album ended in a sweeping second and I just looked at her. I wanted to kiss her so badly. She closed her eyes for a second smiling a little bigger. That was my one oppurtunity. The window was open. I couldn't go on much longer.

The window slammed shut.

She looked ahead and exhaled. "I should go home," She said softly.

I nodded. My heart was bruising in my chest. I couldn't keep getting my hopes up like this. I felt boneless and pushed myself to my feet in three seconds after I blinked. I just missed my one chance. It was over. It was hitting me. This wasn't going to happen like with Rainie. If I were to get her in some twisted world she wouldn't be mine. She'd belong with someone else in the end. And here I was falling for a girl I could never have. I reached down and pulled her to her feet. She walked over putting on her shoes. I got my keys and we headed down the stairs.

She was never going to be mine. Nathan was such a waste. He didn't see her the way I did. I stepped next to her and we walked next to each other in silence. We walked along the dimly lit sidewalks under flickering streetlights heading towards solid light right at the corner of her street. She looked at me tucking hair behind her ear, she smiled. "I haven't had a night like this in a while." She said.

I looked at her. "Like what?" I asked.

She shrugged looking at her feet. "When everything is just... perfect." She said. "In some weird way, everything was perfect tonight."

The world was sick-minded. She was saying all of these things to me and all I could do was nod and try not to feel my heart racing in my chest and feel like I'm bleeding out of my mouth. "I know," I said smiling. What was sick was how our perspectives were so different. I met my hero and met him with Elisa. I saw my favorite band with Elisa. I was with Elisa. I listened to my favorite record with Elisa. I spent a night with Elisa. I pretended I had Elisa. I borrowed her for a few hours. Tonight was perfect.

She went quiet all of a sudden. "I haven't been this happy in so long," She said talking to both of us. "I think..." She swallowed. My heart was racing like I was anticipating a murderer to jump out and rip my heart out or something out of a horror movie to happen all of a sudden. "I think, I'm going to break up with Nathan."

I looked at her. She didn't look at me. I swallowed. "Honestly," I said. "I'm sorry if I'm butting in." I breathed. I had to say this. I couldn't just avoid this one thought. "Nathan... he just, I don't know... he doesn't deserve you." She looked at me all of a sudden and we were stopping under a streetlight. "I mean, he... he just doesn't see who you are and how... how amazing you are. I mean, I'm not saying..." Her eyes were frozen on me.

I just lost this all completely. I looked down. I just revealed myself to her. She was still in shock. She didn't want to be but she was piecing it together quickly. "I," My voice got caught. "I really..." I shook my head and looked her dead in the eyes. "I fell for you, so hard."

Her eyes were scared and soft. She didn't say anything. She just looked at me. I lost her completely. I looked down and touched the back of my neck. "I'll see you, I guess," I mumbled and turned around and walked away. I lose her. That's how easy it is to fuck up sometimes. I just made the biggest fuck-up of my life.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Just like, whoa. I can't help but think that Elisa is gonna run after him and kiss him or something of that sort. But noo, you left a cliffhanger. Seriously.

Geez, I love Bennett so much. He's not like any guy I've known. He's so loveeee.

I love how he's having all this feelings and wanting to do all these things but just like the damn door keeps closing. Its amazing. And I love the ...

"I did this and this with Elisa."

Gagagagagaggaaa. MOREE.