Thursday, September 17, 2009

sean's pov ---- kerrington high parking lot

We opened the doors of his car and got in. I sat there buckling myself in. Bennett stared at the steering wheel. "Do you have a cigarette?" He asked.

This was bad. I reached into my back pocket and pulled one out. Bennett tried smoking but his mom got mad at him so he stopped. He just went back to dreaming about Rainie Joseph and wasting all of his money going to shows. Now he smokes when he's stressed. I produced a cigarette and handed it to him. I got out my lighter and passed it to him too and he lite it taking in a deep drag.

I get myself one too. And we sit there smoking in his car. "Where were you yesterday?" He coughs and I wait. It'll come out soon. He stares at the steering wheel and inhales again. "I smoked a few bowls with Jeremy yesterday." He says.

He smokes pot when he's depressed or just trying to get fucked up. I nod. "Elisa give you the speech?" I ask. I figure it was that. Elisa would never cheat on her boyfriend. The girls he don't just give the speech. "I like you as a friend and sort of like you-like you but I'm in love with my boyfriend- you're just making this hard for me. I think we should stop talking for a little while."

"Nope," He says.

"Then what?" I ask looking at him. Maybe Elisa is really different when you get to know her.

He takes another drag blowing out smoke concentrating on the steering wheel. "I stayed over her house."

"You fucked her?" I ask. Scratch that: Elisa is a slut.

He shakes his head. "No," He says. "We just hooked up but I fell asleep, but she's staying with Nathan. She fucked me."

I look forward and smoke some more. He finished his cigarette and throws it out the window. He starts his car and pulls out of his parking space. He makes it to the cross-walk in front of the school where he stops. Nathan Pratt is making his way across it with some friends- his arm thrown around a girl who isn't Elisa by about half a foot and three bra sizes. He waves grinning at Bennett.

This is worse. His knuckles go white and he hits the gas and then the brakes in three seconds. He doesn't hit Nathan just scares him. Bennett lays on his horn and Nathan just stares and hurries across with his band of stupid frat-football players. I look at Bennett. He's pissed and he keeps driving not looking at me.

I feel like I'm driving with a maniac but once we hit a red light his knuckles turn red as he loosens his grip. He's just depressed again. Not pissed off or off in left field, he's just depressed. I lean forward and put on New Found Glory and instead of looking at me. He just keeps driving concentrating on the road.

So I don't bother with the guitar solo. I'm not even in the mood.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

I felt really bad here. With Bennett in his pissy mood. Poor Bennett. Stupid Elisa.

Bennett should have ran her boyfriend over.